Friday, October 31, 2014


Dear Friends of Val

It's Lori once again.  It saddens me to inform everyone that Val passed away early this morning.  At the same time, I take comfort in knowing that she is finally at was a long, long struggle that she fought without complaint.  Pru said she went peacefully, as she had wished.  And how very like her to choose this day!
The outpouring of love for Val over these last few months has been astounding.  Especially in these last weeks, her room has almost always had someone there with her, and I know how she enjoyed hearing from everyone near and far.
Last week, the Val Hamilton teacher-librarian award was presented at the BCTLA conference.  All her work for our profession and learning conditions was mentioned, and Jim Iker was in attendance.  He took the time to visit Val the next day and personally thank her for all her important contributions. A real gentleman, for sure, and I know Val would be so pleased to have heard that conversation.
Thank you, everyone, for every little thing you did to enhance Val's life and final days.
She will be missed.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

A Little Update

Hi Friends of Val,

It's Lori here, visiting Val, who is in a very deep slumber. We had agreed that I would come here today to update her facebook page...she would talk, and I would type!  However, she is dreaming and definitely not talking right now.  I visited last night, and she was really alert and very talkative.  I thought she looked great, but I'm guessing it was not a good night, since she is exactly as I left her 20 hours ago.
A nurse has been in to let her know that they will be moving her tomorrow (Thursday, Oct. 23) to Saint John Hospice out at UBC in the morning.  She really preferred it here at the Cancer Agency, and would rather have stayed here, but they gave her three hospice choices and UBC was the one she picked.  The address is 6389 Stadium Road.
She has been really appreciating all the visits, and even if she is sleeping, she loves to hear conversations, so just keep talkin'!
The pain medication is doing its job, and she and the nurses have a good proactive system going so there is not much breakthrough pain.  They get to it before it's out of control.  She also has a couple of infections going on, and is on antibiotics for those.  She's a little flushed and warm from the infection, so actually her colour seems good (although I know it's not good, really!)

I'll check in with her again shortly to see if she wants me to post anything else.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Still here

I am still in the BC Cancer Agency.  We've decides not to do any more treatment, so I'm palliative. No more radiation, chemo, poking and prodding.  Just being kept comfortable and out of pain.  Love my methadone and hydromorphone.   I'll probably move to a palliative place soon.  Right now I'm on an air bed and watch the mountains.  Lots of family and friends visiting.  Even a choir with Jan Alexander.  Many links between my circles.

Monday, October 6, 2014

New infection

Mae and Darline came together and left me mellow after more TT.

Then things went sideways. The nurse started washing me and realized it is infected where the lymph node tumour has broken threw at top of the leg.  Pretty intense for the next couple of hours.  Several nurses, pain and symptom management staff and doctors worked on cleaning the leg, groin and tumours. My meds have been changed a bit.  I'm in a sling that helps with moving me and get a fancy new bed tomorrow.

Dairy queen

Had a good visit with Matt.  Pru massaged my feet and cut the nails.  Boy, did that feel better.  John stayed for a while and shared drug stories.  We take several the same for similar reasons.

Pam dropped by between dinner and bingo at her Mom's.  I was just eating dinner when Maureen came up with some Dairy Queen soft ice cream.  I could feel my Dad watching.  Perfect.

Made some phone calls and caught up on my newspapers.

Top of my leg has hurt all night.  Glad when Lynne came in after her morning Radiation and did some TT.  Bit hard swallowing today.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Doing okay

Lots of visitors made the day go quickly.  They all bring something else to talk about and stay different lengths of time. Listened to the Loins lose and the Canucks win.

Feeling better each day.  The kitchen staff keep tempting me with what they think I will eat.  Today's nurse gave me a good wash.  I was ready for sleep again.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Bad days

My second chemo went well, bit thing started falling apart by Wednesy.  I was taking Methadone with Hydromorphone as a breakthrough.  My Bach was bad all day.  I finally woke up to a team working on me.  The nurse had found me barely breathing. I got 3 doses of Narcan.  Threw up a few times.  Pru was here and helped a lot with cold comprises and her soothing voice. 

The next few days I was pretty dopy and not eating.  I was still getting up to the bathroom,it barely going.  Yesterday I went to Radiaion for some setup CT Scan. Came back and the nurses decided I needed a catheter.  Five of them tried for 1 1/2 hours.  Everything was so swollen and painful.  Time togoback for Radiation with the really good porter, Deepak. Once I was set on the bed it went well.  Some pain at the end that improved when I was back on the stretcher.

A couple of doctors tried the catheter but had no luck.  Was throwing up due to the Radiation.  Finally, a urologist came from VGH with the right tools and had that litle sucker right in. 

Slept well and now not constipated.  

Karen came for a visit. Getting a lot more serious.  Looks like I won't be going home.  Chris and Yuriko brought me a wonderful shawl that Patience knit for me and we talked a bit about palliative. I think I'm ready for it.  We has a good visit.  Pru was next and helped set up for lunch.  I've eaten more today than I have for ages.  

It's taken hours to write this. 

Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Mondays are busy here.  The physio had me walking.  It's not so much the pain as the tumours that bother me. They are all around my middle and press too much.

Karen came in and sent the pain doctor in. We're now switching to Methadone.  Sounds funny.

Lots of visitors. Darline did TT. Pru and Nellie came at noon, then Pam.  Lori dropped in,   She got home from Europe in the wee hours.

Fell asleep as soon as the hockey was done.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Another quiet Sunday

Had a couple of pain attacks.  Needed the hydromorphone a few times and patch was increased.  Wrapping my back and side in hot blankets helps.  My leg is still big.

Visits from Pru, Maureen, Patrick and Lucas.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Sunny Saturday

Another sleepy day.  A couple of bouts of pain but some hydromorphone and a hot blanket help.  It's always quiet here on the weekend.

Visits from Andrea (with drawings from the girls), Moira, Mary, Rick & Elaine and Pru.

Friday, September 26, 2014


Can't watch the Canucks, but like listening on my iPad

Better day, but still really tired.  Slept last night as it was so quiet. Ate a bit more.  This morning's suppository worked.  Had a shower but needed help.  It's getting harder to get back into bed as my leg is so big.

Visitors: Louise, Pru, Darine, Maureen, Pam and Mary

Same old

Tired all day and food if not appealing to me.  Taking laxatives to no avail.  Suppository coming next.

Had a few visitors: Darline, Mary, Moira, Lucas and Candace.

My rommmate was moved last night I gather she was gardening last week and now she's dying.  Nice woman.

Thursday, September 25, 2014


The main side effectfromthe chemo is fatigue.  Dozed most of the day.

Lynne, Ralph, Mae, Matt & Pru visited.  Too tired for more.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

New chemo

Had a shower this morning.  Sure felt good but did me in.  Lynne and Ralph visited after her radiation, and the Mae for a bit.

My new chemo was injected while Pru was here.  No bad reaction.  Only takes a few minutes.  She brought me some Arrowroot.  Not eating much but doctor said not to worry.  Getting fluids through my port.

Lori called from Italy.  Just keeps adding countries.  I'm getting a roommate so have to go back to earphones.

Morning from hell

Had to have a MUGA scan of my heart to make sure I can tolerate more chemo.  The porter took me through the tunnels but we had come back when we hit a broken elevator.  He then pushed he along the sidewalk to the Emergency entrance.  It was drizzling, cold and bumpy. I had a couple of thin blankets  I had a big file on my lap that was hurting my leg.  The nurse gave mea pain killer just before I left, but I was crying in pain by the time we arrived.  A nurse ran over fom the Agency with another pill.  Everything calmed down enough for the test, just.  Luckily, the tech was great.  I then had another wet, bumpy ride back.

Lynne Keeling came in just as I got back into bed.  Haven't seen her for years.  We visited for a bit and then she did Therapeutic Touch.  That, along with a hot blanket on my feet and another pain killer, calmed me down and I dozed the morning away.

I had missed breakfast and just nibbled at lunch.  The food isn't appetizing and is cold.

Karen came in with her new plan.  I'm starting Eribulin.  We've decided on a DNR so Matt won't have to pull a plug.  The pain patch has been doubled again and theY said to stop being stoic.

Busy afternoon.  Pru and Matt arrived together.  Pam brought a tea and then Pat stopped by.  Next was Ildi & Barb   Was pretty tired.

Long day.

Monday, September 22, 2014


The nurse took me to a shower room and I gave myself a shower while she changed my bed.  It fel wonderful.

Pretty painful day.  I can now have as much hydromorphone as I want.  A resident came to check me in the evening.  My blood pressure is really low 56 over 44.

Pru and Matt visited in the morning.  Darline came just as the Seahawks game started.  One person I didn't mind giving up the first half for.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Shaky day

Had a painful night and had have painkillers a couple of times.  Was constipated because of them and now have the opposite.  Dozed a lot today.

A doctor looked at my swollen leg and wants an ultrasound to rule out blood clots.

Georgina, Marilyn & Anni cam to visit. Always good to see old friends.

Feeling pretty crappy tonight.

Friday, September 19, 2014

New stage

Better night.  Sure have slept a lot.  Had a roommate for a few minutes.  No English, groaning in pain, unable to stand and lots of relatives.  She got moved to a room by herself.

Karen came in the afternoon.  She says I've moved into a new stage of my cancer.  The plan is get the pain under control, so the patch was removed and a new one is double the dose.  Still need other painkillers until it kicks in.  We're stopping the chemo as it isn't working.  My tumour markers are up to 300.  It was down to around 20.  She's going to think about the next move until Monday.  I might have chemo in here to see if I can tolerate it.

Ate a bit at all the meals.  The laxative worked!   Had visits from Matt, Mae, Pru & Jesse and Pam.  Sarah spent, one of my social workers, an hour with me.  Getting good care.

Pain and sleep

Breakfast was pancakes, fruit and cereal.  Ate a bit of everything.  Had to fast until my afternoon ultrasound.  CT Scan of my head was first and it was fine.  Hurt a lot lying on the table.  9 out of 10.  Got to rest before the ultrasound but it didn't hurt as much.  Karen came to see me while I was away so she'll come back today.

Now have a Fentanyl patch for the pain. Needed Gravol for my gut.  Slept. Woke long enough to eat some dinner and then back to sleep for the night.  

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Matt came for me this morning - my hero!  He took out the garbage and some recycling before taking me to the Cancer Agency for a blood test.  I looked shaky enough that they put me in a wheelchair.  I hurt and and exertion caused me to gasp for breaths.

We then went to Fairmont to see Karen.  She was not impressed!  Found a bed in the Cancer Agency but I had to wait until 3:30.  Matt took me back to the 6th floor loung and I sat in the recliner and sipped tea.

I'm in a double room on the 5th floor and am on my 2nd bag of blood.  I've already had a couple of bags of fluid and another is waiting, along with a small one of magnesium.  They did a chest X-rea and it was fine.  Next will be a head CT and an ultrasound of my abdomen.  I'm being given hydromorphone more often.

I was anemic, dehydrated, had low magnesium and the kidneys weren't working properly.  I'm still in pain from the tumours (which have mutated to triple negative).  My gut is upset, but I managed some dinner - chicken breast, gravy, peas & carrots, salad and carrot cake.  Ate a bit of everything which was more than I've managed for a couple of days.  Way better than VGH food.

Mae and Sarah came for short visits.  I made a point of going over and introducing myself to my roomie, but she hasn't talked to me.  Glad all her loud visitors have gone.  Free WiFi and free TV!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Still feeling bad and not eating much.  Early to bed again.

Monday, September 15, 2014


Went to bed at 9:30 as I just couldn't stay up.  Poor night again but didn't get up until 8:00.  My stomach upset all day and sore.  

Pam and Maureen came and took my prescription for hydromorphone to Safeway but it expired yesterday.  Didn't notice it was only good for 5 days.  They'll talk to the doctor tomorrow and deliver it.  They came back with a load of groceries.  My angels,

No geocaching for me tomorrow.  I just have to get to the doctor on Wednesday and see if I'm strong enough for chemo on Thursday.  

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Still sickly

Didn't go out today.  Must try tomorrow as I need food and pills.  My stomach is upset and I'm really tired.  Fell asleep in the afternoon.  Last night was hard as it hurt no matter how I lay.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Bit better

Went to bed early and got lots of sleep.  Still shaky and my gut is upset.

Watched us lose the tennis doubles and soccer game.  Hope Lions hold on for a win.  Trying to stay up until the end.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Still beat

Tried having a shower this morning and have to get right out and lie down for a bit.  Really tired and stomach upset.  Slept well, but still needed naps.

Keyboard decided to work and I got everything I wanted on my new tablet.  Still a bit cranky.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

So tired

Didn't have the energy to do anything today.  Just pitiful.  Only time I moved quickly was to go yo the bathroom.  Not constipated anymore.

My new tablet won't recognize the keyboard, so I have to take it back.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

London Drugs

Pam came by with my handicapped card that I'd left behind yesterday.  I continued out to Richmond and the London Drugs at Ironwood.  I haven't shopped for ages and had a list.  Found almost everything.  Had to ask for directions a few times.  So different from Canadian Tire - there are always people to help.  Finally ended up in Computers and asked for a chair. The fellow went into the back and brought one out.  He then explained Apple TV and helped pick out an Asus Transformer Book.  It will replace my netbook that is soooo slow.  I'd done my homework and it was on sale hee.

When I got home, I sent a comment to London Drugs about the superb service and got this back
Thank you for taking the time to write to us regarding the level of service you received from our staff in our Ironwood location.  
Your comments are appreciated and have been brought to the attention of the Store Manager and appropriate Head Office personnel. In addition, a letter of commendation will be sent to the staff, congratulating them on the exceptional customer service they provided you.
We value the patronage of our customers and hope to have the opportunity to serve you again in the near future with the same high level of service.
I was really beat.  It was all I could do to get upstairs.  I have been falling asleep ever since.  Don't think I'll go out tomorrow.  I'm charging the tablet but will leave the Apple TV for a bit.  

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Pain & Sympton Management

Geocaching with Pam and Maureen.  We stayed in Vancouver today.  Only logged three, but one was a puzzle that had been on my map for a long time and one was a first to find, my 14th.  We had a great lunch at Martini's on Broadway.   For $10, we had split pea soup, a salad, fries and two big pieces of veal cutlet.  I brought some home for dinner.

They dropped me off for an hour at the Cancer Agency for my first appointment with Pain & Sympton Management.  Met with a nurse and then a doctor.  She is changing how I'm dealing with pain.  I'm dropping the Tylenol 3’s - won't miss the constipation.  I'm now taking hydromorphone in the morning and at bedtime.  Was in pain all day, so hope this improves it.  She said the extreme fatigue of the last few days is certainly the radiation. 

Monday, September 8, 2014

Almost went shopping

Planned to go out today, but ended up sticking close to the bathroom.  One extreme to another. Imodium works!

Watched tennis and read, in between falling asleep.  I checked and I don't have chemo this week. They must have given me an extra week off to recover.  Not complaining.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Appointment confusion

Lori called on FaceTime from Europe.  Love talking face to face with no cost.  She has caches in 11 countries in 10 days and might add a couple more.

Slept well but still fell asleep this afternoon.  Stayed in as I'm pretty tired.  Was adding the last appointment cards to my calendar and I think this week's doctor and chemo might have been cancelled.  Maybe I was given an extra week off due to the radiation.  I'll call in the morning.

Saturday, September 6, 2014


Met Matt, Andrea, Sadie & Lily at the White Spot at 11:00 this morning.  Finally gave Ily her birthday present a few weeks late.  Had Southwest Chorizo Hash (Chorizo sausage sautéed with vegetables, Cheddar & Jack cheese & our signature smashbrown potatoes topped with two poached eggs. Served with salsa, cilantro sour cream & toast).   There was enough to take home for tonight's supper.   

Was so tired, I went straight home.  Think yesterday is catching up to me.  Had a long nap before dinner.  My back feels scabbed where they did the radiation.  Slathered on some cream.  

Friday, September 5, 2014


My day was so long, I booked Freemasons.  I was picked up at 9:30 and returned home at 4:30.  First up was an ultrasound of my groin.  The doctor came in and decided to biopsy the tumours on my abdomen instead as they were really sticking out.  She froze the skin, made a little slit and used a tool that made a loud click to take 4 samples.  The hardest part was lying on the hard bed.  My back was really hurting.  The radiologist, Dr. Helena O’Dwyer, was great and explained every step.  She was a bit worried about needing, given my poor blood counts, but it wasn't a problem.  

Then on to meet with Dr. Voduc, my radiation oncologist and his team.  He decided to radiate the tumours on my lower right back and on the side.  He didn't need a CT Scan as they were so prominent.  They marked me up with felts and took photos.  He hopes this might help to shrink the leg.

On to lunch in the cafeteria and then the 6th floor waiting room so I could make some tea.  Was pretty comfortable and had lots to read on my iPad and Kobo.  

Returned to the 2nd floor for radiation.  I was able to lie on my right side for both the sections they were aiming at.  Took a while for them to line up the machine to hit the marks.  Once the machine starts, it doesn't take long and you don't feel anything. 

I was back in the lobby at 3:00, but Freemasons were short a couple of drivers.  I always have something to read, so didn't mind at all.  

Feeling tired and a bit sore tonight.  I can hear my mouse squeaking.  He doesn't go for the traps.  I'll deal with it tomorrow.  Correction: the two on the sticky traps are what I hear.  

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Busy day

What a busy day.  The Cancer Agency called to say I was having an ultrasound and biopsy tomorrow and needed blood tests today.  Pam an Maureen picked me up at 10 and dropped me at the Lifelabs on Granville.  The morning rush was over and I got in right away.  The order had been faxed.  My veins were "small", but the woman found one quickly.  We headed to East Van to get some caches off our maps.

We were nearby, so stopped at SPARC BC in Burnaby and I got a new handicapped tag with no trouble.  Found a few more caches in Burnaby and had lunch at Nando's on Kingsway.  Always tasty chicken and I had enough to bring home for dinner.   Found more caches in Central Park and along the river.  I sat in the shade with my book and really enjoyed being out on such a beautiful day.  I was home before 4:00.

A doctor from the Agency called because my numbers were so low.  He kept asking if I had a fever, but I don't.  He was pleased I'd been out all day.  I'm to keep checking and must call if I hit 38.  It,s 37 right now and I feel fine.  He also said to gargle with baking soda and I should have known that if I'd looked at the info sheets I've been given.  It does feel better right now.  I wonder if they'll do the biopsy?   Just shows that I've been right in avoiding germy crowds.  Must go to IHOP for liver when I can chew again.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Went to a Richmond mall for some Chinese takeout.  Enough for lunch and dinner.  A security guard was at my car and pointed out that my handicapped tag expired in March.  I had it in my head that it was good until 2015.  Luckily, she was very nice and believed me (maybe).   Will get a new one tomorrow.

Have a sore on my tongue and my fingertips are getting numb.  Small side effects in the greater scheme of things.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

No school

Christie Clark is determined to break the BCTF.  She is hiding from everyone as it plays out.  We now have a dictatorship in BC. The Legislature seldom meets and the electorate is ignored.

Felt better today, but took it easy.  Slept part of the afternoon.

Monday, September 1, 2014


Watched Bouchard and Raonic in the U.S. open, but they both lost.  Far too hot for the women's game to be safe.

Still feeling unsteady.

Sunday, August 31, 2014


Really shaky today.  I expected it, so was organized.  Didn't do much and managed not to have to stand for long.  Not feeling sick, just weak.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Reasonable day

Had to have bacon and tomato sandwich for lunch as it is International Bacon Day.  Stong's brought two boxes of food in the afternoon.

Spent the day reading and watching Ennius and soccer.  Whitecaps bombed.

Not feeling too bad today.  Just the sore back.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Love those steroids

Today I take a steroid at breakfast and at dinner.  Means I feel pretty normal.  Will miss them tomorrow.  They do hype me, so it was restless start last night.  Woke up at 9:30, so must have slept for a big chunk.

Decided to put in a small Stong's order and ended up spending over $100.  Had a Max's chicken pot pie for dinner and a pasta, pesto, shrimp salad for lunch.

Only needed one pain killer today.

Thursday, August 28, 2014


Drove myself to the Agency today.  Once again, my bloodwork was booked for the lab.  Went back to 3 and brought the requisition up to 6 where they fit me in to access my port.  The nurse was great and she left the line in for my chemo.  Had to carry the blood back to the lab on 3.

I was fine driving, but finding it hard to stand.  The elevator gods were with me all day.  Had a tasty toasted egg salad sandwich in the cafeteria and headed to the 6th floor loung to wait for chemo in a big, soft recliner.  Instead of reading, I listened to some geocaching podcasts (Podcacher) and sipped mint tea.  Actually fell asleep for a bit.

Woke up at 2:29 and straightened up just as the chemo nurse came for me.  Made a new cup of tea and filled a cup with ice water before going in. Chemo went well and I continued with the podcasts and dozing.

Had planned to stop at Safeway on Oak, but there was parking at Max's.  Produce at the grocer's and treats from Max's.  Dinner tonight was a veal cutlet, tomato & bocconcini salad, fresh corn & a fresh raspberry tart.  More thing left for tomorrow.  Spent a lot but thought I earned it.

I was home by 5:00.  My back and leg started hurting during the treatment.  Guess they didn't like the recliner.  It must just hit the tumours I the wrong spots.  Feeling better tonight.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Quiet day

Felt better today but decided to just stay and take it easy before tomorrow's chemo.  The pain is definitely not as bad or often but still have lots of lumps and a swollen foot.  Hope next week's radiation will help.

Last day of heat for a while.  Thank goodness.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Geocaching day

Lori, Pam and Maureen picked me up at 10:30 this morning.  Traffic coming through Richmond was chaos due to accident and a sinkhole on Hwy 99.  We stuck to Vancouver and I logged 8 caches.  Stopped at White Spot for lunch.  Didn't eat much but enjoyed it.  Brought a blueberry tart home for dinner.

Reall felt terrible when we started.  It took all my will power to stick it out.  Actually felt better as the day rolled on.  My leg is so swollen, the stairs are hard.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Still shaky

Slept better last night but I'm still pretty shaky.  Couldn't do much all day.

Dozed and read.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Bad day

As long as I stayed still, I felt pretty good all day, except for the back pain.  Getting up was much harder.  My back and hips hurt when I stood still and I was really weak.  My right foot is really swollen and uncomfortable.  Managed to get my meals, but didn't attempt anything else.  Tomorrow should be better.

So many good things on TV tonight!

Saturday, August 23, 2014


Poor sleep last night.  The steroids had me hyped.  Best sleep was in the morning.  Dozed a bit through the day.

Watched the last three parts of Secrets & Lies.  Had suspected the truth early on but then dismissed it.  

Bit shaky tonight.  My back hurts when I'm up.  Still feel better than previous Saturdays.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Reasonable day

Still taking steroids today so felt pretty good.  Pain comes and goes.  Stomach a bit upset so trying ginger Gravol.  Slept better last night.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Cycle 2

Had a quiet day.  Went to bed early and got more sleep.  Still up and down with the pain.  Felt a bit sick all morning.  Some soup seemed to help at lunch.

My chemo was 3:15 and I drove this time.  Forgot my Tylenol 3’s but the nurse got some fir me.  After a while, the pain in my back and abdomen subsided.  Chemo went smoothly.

Stopped at Safeway and got a BBQ chicken.  Home by 6.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Check up

Arrived for bloodwork at 8:15.  It was ordered for the lab and I was able to get it moved to the 6th floor so they could use my port.  Much easier.  Went to Granville Island for bacon and fruit. Nice and quiet early in the morning.

Karen was away but I knew the doctor I saw.  A nurse and pharmacist also talked to me.  The PET scan showed all the skin lessions and lymph nodes involved.  There are some nodules on the back of the abdominal wall and on one lung.  We're going to increase the strength of one of my chemo drugs. I also have some hydromorphone to help with the pain and will be referred to the pain clinic.  The radiation oncologist will be asked about some more radiation to help with the swollen leg.  The tumour causing this has opened a wound again.  I'll also have a biopsy on one of these skin tumours.

Dropped the prescription off at Safeway and was home at 11:30.  Pam picked me up at 5:30 and we went to a geocaching event held by a couple from California at the Burger King near the PNE.  They had no idea how close they were to the fair.  I now have all my geocache souvenirs for August - Traditional, Multi, Puzzle, Virtual, EarthCache and Event.

We had dinner there and Pam went in to grab my pills at Safeway.  They couldn't find them, so had to refill the prescription.  I stayed in the car.  So glad to finally get home.  Early to bed again tonight.  Actually got a pretty good sleep last night.  Let's see if the new pills let me repeat that.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Richmond caching

Pam and Maureen picked me up and we headed to Richmond.  By the end of the day we all had a bunch of finds.  Usually one or two of us had already found one, so could help the other.  Both Pam am Maureen ended up with several wasp stings at a cache we'll leave for the winter.  Delicious lunch at Pajo's on Garry Point.

Had to head home early.  The tumours on my back didn't like sitting in the car.  Two Tylenal 3's didn't help.  Pain is better tonight but I don't feel well.  Another night of poor sleep.

Monday, August 18, 2014


Important to be friends with the dental technician.  She realized my back and leg were acting up and worked quickly.  I was done in 49 minues.

Stopped at Safeway for a load of groceries.  Lots of frozen entrees for nights like this when I don't have the energy to cook.  My cart helped me get everything upstairs.

Not feeling well this afternoon.  Took some Gravol and it helped.  Think I'm just overtired.  Couldn't stay in bed again last night.

Sunday, August 17, 2014


Couldn't lie in bed in any way that didn't hurt.  The tumours down the right side of my leg ached so much, I moved back to my chair.  Two Tylenol 3's did no good.  I dozed until 5:30 and then it eased and I went to bed.  Woke again at 9:30.

Decided to have a quiet day.  The leg and back hurt on and off.  Getting boring!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Sore leg

My leg kept me awake last night.  I think the swelling is making the tumours down the right side worse.  I went to Cobs and got some stuff for the freezer.  Bought Chinese food on the way home at Yaoban Mall.  $8.50 got more than enough for lunch and dinner - hot & sour soup, fried rice, sweet & sour pork, 3 little chicken drumsticks and green beans.

Not a comfortable day, although I did sleep for a while.

Friday, August 15, 2014


Woke up to a new geocaching puzzle with puns from the periodic table. Took Lori, Maureen and I all day to solve it.  I went out shopping but a new cache popped up on my email as I got into my car.  It was only 1.6 km away, so I went for it and scored my 14th first to find.

There was so much traffic on Granville, I couldn't deal wth shopping.  Grabbed a latté and a Quizno sandwich and went home.

Pain did seem better today.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Geocaching day

Maureen picked me up this morning and we worked our way East along River Rd. in Richmond.  There was only one that was too slippery to get to.  Crossed back over the river in Queenborough ans headed West.  Excellent pizza and salad at Boston Pizza for lunch.

My back hurt all day and I'm starting to get some mouth sores.  There's also a purple area at the top of my swollen right leg.  Hope this chemo starts to have an effect soon.  Other than that, I'm feeling much stronger.  I like this week free of treatments.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Pirate Pack Day

Today was Pirate Pack Day at the White Spot.  Couldn't get in last year so I was there at 11:00 today. Had a Legendary Hamburger and blueberry pie.  Home again at noon.  Far too tired to do any grocery shopping.

Feeling a bit sick tonight, so took a Gravol.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

PET Scan

Started fasting at noon for tonight's PET Scan.  Could only drink water for 6 hours.  Arrived at 17:45 and finished at 20:15.  The first task was to put in an IV.  The first fellow tried twice with no luck.  Two strikes and you're out, so he called in another tech.  She found a vein in the side of my hand.  The needle was small, so it didn't hurt much at all.  I was then given the radioactive isotopes and had to rest in the dark for 45 minutes.  The scan took 24 minutes.   It was really hard to lie still as the tumours on my lower back started hurting - a lot!

Glad to get home.  Had grabbed takeout to break my fast.

Why do I have to keep listening to the Emery duo?   Self made celebrities.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Perkier day

Felt better.  Really tired of all the detailed dreaming.  Dozed most of the day.  I guess I'll just get used to not going out for a few days after chemo.  At least I get a break from it this week.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Another tired day

Really couldn't do much today.  Pru wanted to have lunch but I was just too tired to dress.

Watched Vancouver South Little League win the Canadian championship.  PGA was good and then the Whitecaps beat last year's winners.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Better day

Slept most of the night with no painkillers needed.  Still dozed off in the afternoon.  Pru asked me over but I was so tired while dressing, I gave up.  A bit shaky but still cooked dinner.  Nothing wrong with my appetite but stomach just a bit queasy.

Spent the day watching TV and finished reading Silkworm, JK Rowling's latest.  Hard to put it down.  Now reading the history of the Penthouse.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Lousy night

Didn't sleep much last night.  The Dexamethasone hypes me up and the tumours were painful.  Finally got up after a couple of hours.  No side to lie on.  Took another Tylenol 3 and dozed in my chair.  Went back to bed at 6.

The day wasn't bad.  The pain was minimal and I felt okay.  Stayed quiet and drank lots of water.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Chemo, day 2

Always tell Freemasons an earlier time for my appointments, so when today's driver was late, I arrived on time.  Turns out my bloodwork was booked for the lab at 2:15.  The nurses on the ward rewrote the orders and drew it from my port,leaving the line in for the chemo.  Much easier.

Waited in a recliner for 2 hours for my 4:15 chemo.  Good music on my iTouch and JK Rowling's latest detective book on my Kobo.  Dozed a bit.  Met another teacher that I knew in the chemo room. Everyone was talkative so the time went quickly.  Moved into another room near the end so the nurses could start going off shift.  The nurses were good at explaining the treatment side effects - Cisplatin and Gemcitabine.

Finished at 6:40.  Maureen came for me and I was soon home.  Took my 4 pills before treatment and 1 with dinner.  Two more tomorrow.  Hopefully these will stave off nausea, but I am wired.  Ate some macaroni and cheese with a fresh cob and a bowl of blueberries and ice cream for dinner.  Was really hungry.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Lots of groceries

Went to Richmond Country Market at 9:30.  Much quieter than my Friday attempt.  Their own corn is worth the effort.  Picked up a scone and latté at Starbucks and was home quickly.  Stong's delivered at 12:30.  He used a dolly to get up the stairs.  Great way to get heavy stuff like bottles of cranberry juice.

Still feeling a bit sick all the time.  The tumours seem as numerous but the pain is definitely less. Hopeful thinking?

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Souvenirs of August

Maureen and I headed to West Vanvouver looking for different types of geocaches to get our
7 Souvenirs of August. We found an EarthCache, a Virtual,  a Multi, a Puzzle and a Traditiomal.  We only need an Event to earn the bonus 7th Souvenir.  Had lunch at Milestones - the Milestones Trio (2 turkey sliders, mushroom soup, Caesar salad). 

I was home by 2:30.  Maureen carried up the load of laundry she had done for me.  I was glad to be home.  I felt much better than the last few days.  Still a bit shaky and my left leg and foot are swollen.  The tumour at the top is back blocking the lymph drainage.  

Sorted out my appointments.  Changed the PET Scan to next week.  

Monday, August 4, 2014


Still sore around my middle and on the lower back.  These skin tumours are such a bother.  Also a bit of an upset stomach.

It's supposed to cool down a bit this week and I'll welcome it.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Still shaky

Didn't need the anti nausea pill today but was pretty shaky.  Kept dropping things.  Getting hard to stand for any time.  Did eat pretty normally, so that might help.

Watched the end of the Commonwealth Games all afternoon.  Really good closing ceremony.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Shaky day

Started out okay but by afternoon was not feeling great.  Finally took a Prochlorazine.  Stayed quiet in front of a fan.  The heat isn't helping.  Had a sandwich for lunch but just nibbled the rest of the day and kept drinking.

Watched 3 hours of Commonwealth Games and 5 episodes of Crossbones.  John Malkovich makes a perfect Blackbeard.

Friday, August 1, 2014

Grocery run

Gave up at Richmond Country farm, where I usually buy produce - too many people and no buggies. Went to IGA instead.  Got a BBQ chicken that will take care of several meals.

Think I didn't take this morning's pill but felt okay.  Took one at dinner and have one more tomorrow.  Still hurts to drive.  My plan is to stay in watching the Commonwealth Games for the next two days.  Enjoyed the Lion's win over Calgary.  Nail bitter.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Cisplatin, Day 1

I decided to take Freemasons today as I didn't know how I'd feel.  Luckily, I gave myself a cushion.  The driver was late but I still arrived in time to have a sandwich in the cafeteria.  I was pretty nervous.  Probably remembering the 1990 treatment.

I took several anti nausea pill before the Cisplatin treatment and will take one twice tomorrow and once on Saturday.  I have another prescription in reserve in case I need it and instructions on what to do if that doesn't work.  The treatment took about 1 1/2 hours and I was home before 2:30.

I'm feeling pretty good tonight and enjoyed eating dinner.  It was really painful during the car rides.  Got better once I was home for a while.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

32 days

Broke last summer's record of 31 caches in a row today in Delta.  Couldn't find the first one but the next was a snap.

The drive home was hard ad my back started really hurting.  Didn't do the planned shopping.  Just wanted to get home.  As soon as I sat in the Lazy Boy. The pain eased.  Got a call this afternoon to say chemo starts at noon tomorrow.  Booked Freemasons.  Not sure how I'll feel afterwards.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

North Van

Maureen is home and came over to take a load of laundry and pick me up for geocaching.  Pent the day in North Van ad she had completed some challenges on her trip.  Good lunch break at White Spot.   I have 6,599 finds and I've tied my streaking number of days at 31.

Home by 2:00.  Not feeling great and my back tumours were really hurting.  I've been dozing since I got home and they've settled down tonight.

Monday, July 28, 2014


Called Impark about Friday's $90 ticket. Started by saying I was calling to pay but was trying to understand how I'd messed up.  I had paid with my phone app and made mistakes when adding time.  They believed me and cut the bill by 75%.

Lori is in town for Georgina's daughter's wedding party.  She picked me up this morning and found a cache for me that I could never have clambered for.  We had lattés at Starbucks.  Won't see her for another month.

Too tired to do much else.  It's getting harder to stand still.  Tylenol 3’s are working.  Heard today that my PET Scan is Friday, August 8.  Have start fasting at noon and be there at 5:45.  Won't finish until 8:00.

Sunday, July 27, 2014


Found a drive up cache in Richmond.  Pam, you'll love it.  Shopped at IGA and picked up a latté on the way home.

Watched golf, Whitecaps and the Commonwealth Games.

The Tylenol 3 really works quite well but I can't take it if I'm driving.

Saturday, July 26, 2014


Picked up my prescriptions at Safeway.  Good thing I have extended health.   I got Dexamethasone, Ondansetron Hydrochloride and Prochlorperazine to take before and after chemo to help with nausea.   In 1990, all I got was a pill form of marihuana from the Shaughnessy Hospital pharmacy.  I still threw up for 24 hours, but felt better about it.  These new pills weren't being used.  I also got Omeprazole for my acid reflux and a 100 Tylenol 3’s.  Took one a few hours ago and it really dulled the pain.  

Couldn't find the first cache I looked for in Tswasssen, even though it was replaced yesterday.  Found the second one easily.  Am at 28 days in a row.  

Was home by 1:00 to watch the Commonwealth Games.  We got a few medals.  

Friday, July 25, 2014


New plan today.  Went to the Agency at 8:00 for bloodwork - 10 vials!  Tried to snag a cache at UBC but couldn't get near with all the construction.  Grabbed a latté and headed to Fairmont to see Karen.

My trial nurse saw me for the last time and asked me the usual questions.  An oncology GP then came in to examine me.  I didn't take an Advil so they could see the pain these skin tumours were causing.  She measured a few of them and went to see Karen.

Karen said emailing was the right thing to do, as she then had a chance to study my file (24 years).   The new plan is a chemo called Cisplatin.  I don't know the schedule yet but should start next week.  I'm on the waiting list for a PET Scan to take a closer look at where the cancer is and a biopsy.  My liver isn't normal but it isn't anything to worry about.  I am so lucky to have such a smart and compassionate oncologist.  

Found an easy cache at Kingsway and 25th.  Dropped several prescriptions off at Safeway - Tylenol 3, a replacement for Ranidine and 2 anti-nausea drugs to take before and after chemo.  Grabbed lunch at MacDonald's and went home to rest.  

Back to the Agency at 4:00 for an ultrasound.  The clerk at Fairmont handed me the order and said it was a PET Scan on 3.  I parked on that level but was sure the PET was on the main floor as it was so heavy.  I was right and moved the car down.  Of course, it turned out that it was an ultrasound on 3.  Arrived right at 4 but there was a problem with the machine.  I always have a hood book!   The test reall hurt.  The poor technician kept pushing on tumours and the ones on my back never let up.  Far too whacked to pick up the pills.  Got home at 6.  

Parking was expensive.  Cancer Agency was $3.50 + $7.00 = $10.50.
I paid with PayByPhone at Fairmont and had to keep adding time.  I made a couple of mistakes and ended up with a ticket.  My transactions weren't all showing, so they said to call tomorrow.  At this point, it is $5.85 + $1.50 + $5.85 + $1.50 + $80.00 = $94.70.  The grand total is $105.20.  

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Ferry in Steveston

Found today's cache in Steveston near the remains of the loading ramp for a CPR ferry that went to Sidney.  I have no memories of this!   Since it was next to Pajo's, I had to have lunch.

Was really tired, so headed straight home.  Been feeling a bit sick for days.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


The news predicted heavy rain all day.  I headed out at 8, before it started for a quick find in a Richmond.  Turns out I didn't really need to as the heavy rain didn't come for ages.

Called the Cancer Agency and my appointment has been moved from Tuesdat to this Friday.

Set glue traps for the mouse I saw jump out of a cupboard.  Yuck.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Tired today.  Did a lot yesterday.  Pain keeps coming and going which can wipe you out after a while.

Found a cache near Kingsway and Joyce.  Did some shopping at Safeway and brought home a bento box from Osaka for lunch and dinner.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Point Roberts

The last piece of my order from Amazon arrived at TSB Shipping this morning so I headed down to Point Roberts.  Was thinking that there wasn't much traffic on the new highway when I came upon an accident heading the other way. Couldn't see over the centre meridian, but had to drive through acrid smoke.  I could just see the firefighters pouring water on something.
@news1130traffic: 11:37 #DELTABC There's a garbage truck on fire on Deltaport Way just west of #BCHwy17a
Had a good lunch at the Pier at the Marina.  I was the only customer at 12:30.  They didn't have any spinach for a spinach salad, so I ordered a Caeser with prawns.  It was good, but not great.  Missing Parmesan cheese.

Filled up with $1.19/gallon gas and grabbed a bottle of wine.  Always have everything unpacked on the passenger seat and sailed through Customs.  Failed to find a couple of caches in Tswasssen, so went to Richmond for #23.

The tumours on my back acted up after I got home.  Advil and finding the right position settled it foe.  Tired after a long day.

Sunday, July 20, 2014


Woke up to much needed rain but it stopped by the time I got up.  The day was cloudy and cool.

Watched the British Open and then out for the day's cache.  Came home by noon with a latté.

Slept better last night and really tired tonight.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

No side to lie on

Really crappy night with little sleep.  These skin tumours are everywhere and really hurt.  Got up and tried the chair for a while.

Not so bad today.  First cache was gone but got the next one.  These are in a really easy series and someone else couldn't find it so I'm confident it wasn't my ineptitude.  Did some shopping at IGA.

Golf, baseball, Lions and Whitecaps.  Lions were the best an demolished Montreal 41-5.  Finished reading Stella.  She was a madam in Victoria in the early 1900’s.  Real parallel to today's debate on prostitution.  Now starting Year Zero - the world in 1945.

Friday, July 18, 2014


Cooler and partly cloudy today.  Found #20 in Richmond. Had a lunch special pizza and Caesar salad at Boston Pizza for $9.  Great deal.  Bought some fresh produce at Richmond Country Market.  First corn of the season.

Really glad I'm seeing Karen next week.  Too many parts hurt.

Thursday, July 17, 2014


The weather is getting cooler.  There are still many forest fires all over the province.

Couldn't find my first geocache this morning in Burnaby, so went to Plan B.  Much easier.  Did a bit of shopping at Byrne Rd - COBS, M&M and Kin's.  Got a smoothie at Starbucks before heading home.

My back tumours hurt so much, I had to stop to take a pain killer.  Not so bad right now.  Think the martini helped.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Lunch with Louise

Quickly found today's geocache in a East Vancouver on my way to the Cancer Agency.  There was only one other patient in my metastatic support group.  We still managed to fill the hour and a half.

Met Louise for lunch at the Cactus Club.  Really enjoyed the food and the visit.

Sent an email to Karen this afternoon, describing all my lumps and pains.  She answered quickly and is moving up my appointment to next week.  So glad I live in Canada and am not struggling with the U.S. medical system.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Fans are good

Grabbed today's cache in Richmond this morning.  Grabbed some lunch to take home to my fans.  Sat in front of one for the rest of the day.

Monday, July 14, 2014


Hard to get into a new routine.  Normally, I'd be getting chemo.  When that stopped, it was soccer.  

Went out this morning to get cache #16 near Terra Nova.  Bought a BBQ chicken at Save-On so I don't need to cook.  It is still very hot.

My knee was find today. Weird.  Still have sore tumours in various places.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

End of soccer

Out early to find today's cache so I could be home for Germany vs Argentina.  The better team, Germany, won.   Don't know how I'll spend my days after a month of this.

Stayed quiet all day as I was meeting Moira at the White Spot for dinner.  Haven't seen her for months.  Big plans for the property and the parking lot is closed.  The hotel and restaurant are staying, but the pub will go.

My knee and back are painful.  Time for an Advil.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Heat wave

Matt and Andrea left this morning before dawn;
12 hours, 950 km, 3 tanks of gas, 3 states, and only 2 minor dust-ups in the back seat. And zero kids ever. Welcome to Missoula!
It is really hot today.  Went out in the morning for the cache of the day (14).   

Watched Brazil lose again in the game for third.  First time since the 40's they've lost two games in a row at home.  Tonight is Lions and Whitecaps.  Will flip back and forth.  

Gin and tonic and two fans helping with the heat.  

Friday, July 11, 2014

Lunch with friends

Drove to Georgina's house in Coquitlam.  It was her in-laws' house and is really special.  Built in the fifties, it's full of unique features.  The property is like living in a forest resort.  Easy to forget busy Austin St. is so close.

Had a delicious lunch with Georgina, Marilyn & Anni at Jimoco'sPenne al forno.   The pasta was two for one and I had enough left for dinner.  I went back to Georgina's and waiting while my laundry dried.  Grabbed an easy nearby cache and was home in about 45 minutes.  

Had a bad night.  Lumps in two spots were really painful for quite a while.  Didn't hurt when I woke up.  Different spots hurt through the day and I got quite tired.  Not too bad tonight.  

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Achy day

Found my cache near Steveston.  Now have 12 days in a row.  Celebrated with halibut and chips from Pajo's.  Did a bit of shopping still Safeway.

Have my fans ging, but it is hot and getting hotter.  Slept a bit in the afternoon and think I'll go to bed early.  Just can't stay awake.  A couple of the skin tumours are hurting.  Time for some Advil.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Big fire nearby

Out to Richmond this morning.  Bought a few things at London Drugs and found a clever cache hidden near the weir to Steveston Isand.  Picked up takeout at a Chinese food fair that was enough for lunch and dinner for under $10.

Soccer was a bit boring.  Argentina and the Netherlands were pretty equal and Argentina won in the shootout.  Slept through part of it.

A fire broke out on the rail tressle just to the West of the Oak St bridge.  I first saw it in news tweats and then started hearing all the sirens.  The wind blew the smoke to the East and I didn't hear or smell anything.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Brazil chokes

Tried shopping at Canadian Tire. Font know why I evened bothered.  Found nothing and tree is never any help.  Got my Day 10 cache near London Farm.  I attended a friend's wedding to a family member after graduation.

Stomach a bit iffy so just got a latté and scone to take home.  All settled in for Brazil vs Germany.  What happened.  7-1 is not a soccer score.  Think they were missing their two key players and lost heart after the first goal.  Good thing Germany held back in get second half to prevent yellow cards or injuries.  Both have to regroup for the weekend.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Radiation oncologist

Saw Dr, Voduc this afternoon for a follow up on the radiation on my leg.  He was pleased.  The hole is almost closed and the burn has faded.  He looked at all the lumps I have developed.  They are breast cancer that has metasticized toy he skin.  He suggests some surface radiation.  We'll wait a bit to see if the Tamoxifen does anything and he'll email Karen to what she wants.  They still hurt but not as much as yesterday.

Found today's cache by the fire hall behind Kidsbooks.  Very easy.

Had planned yo shop but was too tired.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

8 days

I've now found a cache on eight days in a row.  Today's was in Burnaby. A bunch of easy new hides have been placed in Richmond.  I'll save them for World Cup days.

Had liver and onions at the Waffle House.  Too tired to do anything else.  Chris and Yuriko came by with olives they got for me in LaConner.  Delicious.  Soaked in Vermouth so I had to make a martini.

My back and side sore today.  Glad I'm seeing a doctor tomorrow.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

7 days

Up early for tennis. 2nd for 20 year old Bouchard pretty good.  Watched 1sy soccer match and the headed to Richmond for today's cache. 7 days in a row!  

Gave up on Safeway as 70th entrance was closed again for construction.  Bought a latte and cinnamon bun at waves and was home in time for the second match kickoff.

Bit more comfortable today.

Gotta love iCloud

My appointment at the Oakridge Apple store was at 10:30.  They plugged my iPad into a computer and restored it.  Just what I tried yesterday but they said they had the program already loaded.  Sat and read my Kobo and watched soccer on my iPhone (after he fixed the settings.  Left once the important stuff worked.  Took the rest of the day for the apps to load.  Looks like I'm not missing any data.  The backup to iCoud had been done yesterday at 3:30 am. Magic!

Grabbed a cache in Richmond and bought fresh raspberries and blueberries.  Home just as they were kicking off for the 13:00 soccer match.  Then there were the Lions.  Not playing well!

Back and side hurting a lot today.  Tired of this.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Bald again

My hair has been falling out for the last few days.  Last effect of the Taxol.  Went back to my hairdresser and had a buzz cut.  Much better.

Found a new cache near Commercial Drive and then went to Marine and Byrne.  Had a great lunch at Boston Pizza - lunch combo of Caesar Salad and a mini pizza.  Stopped at Cob's and then home.

My iPad has been acting funny for a few days and died when I tried updating the operating system.  Tried plugging it in the computer.  iTunes said I had to restore factory settings.  Even that failed.  Hours of stress!  I have an appointment at the Apple store tomorrow.

The tumours on my back hurt when I drive.  Have to sit just the right way.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Support group

Saw Darline and Mae on my way to the metastatic support group.  Haven't been for ages as I'm usually sick on Wednesdays.   Only 5 of us so we all got to talk as much as we needed.

Grabbed a cache near Dickens Annex.  White Spot has a retro menu, so I took hone chickenpick'ns and boysenberry pie.

Didn't sleep well last night.  It was hot and muggy.  The tumours on my back are hurting tonight.  Hope the Tamoxifen starts shrinking them.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Hottest day

Today was the hottest day of the year so far.  Up in time for soccer and went geocaching between the games.  Walked 135 meters to the cache and then back. Furthest I've walked for months (outside of stores).   Spotted the hiding place as I walked upto the tree.

Grabbed lunch and was home in time for the next game.

Tired tonight but my leg isn't hurting.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Deep sleep

I've really been sleeping lately.  Didn't wake up until after 9 this morning and missed the first 10 minutes of the soccer game.  Waited until half time to shower.

Went out between games to find a cache inRichmond.  Luckily, mrgullible rode up and joined me.  He found it right away.  Grabbed a taco salad on the way home.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Found one

Really hard to get up this morning. I slept well but just wanted more.  Unfortunately the first soccer game was at 8:45.   I went out before the 12:45 game.  Found an easy cache on Sea Island.  Hope to try for at least one every time I go out.  Picked up groceries and a prescription at Safeway.

Day of games

Watched two World Cup games and picked the winners in both.  Sent messages to Andrea to keep her up with the Brazil game.  They are camping on the Island.  The Brazil game went into overtime and shoot outs before they won.  This took away the time allocated for grocery shopping between games.

Unfortunately, the Lions and Whitecaps lost their games.

Feeling pretty good today, just tired.  Fell asleep for a while.

Friday, June 27, 2014

End of my trial

Started out at the Cancer Agency for bloodwork at 8:30.  They drew 10 vials!   Had a great breakfast of Eggs Benedict at the Sunshine Diner.

My appointment with Karen was 10:45.  Good thing I paid for 2 hours of parking.  I saw the trials nurse, a resident and then Karen.  I've been booted from the clinical trial as it isn't working.   The CT Scan showed the tumours are growing.  There are some new ones around my kidneys and on the wall of my abdomen.  The lumps on my abdomen and back haven't gone down.  Funny thing is they didn't mention the big one on my leg that was radiated.  No sign of it?   

Karen finally decided to give me a break from trials.  I'm not sick enough for heavy duty chemo. She wants to save that for when it moves into an organ.  We're going to try Tamoxifen again.  I took it for 5 years in 1993 and again for the metastatic cancer.  It worked for a while, so maybe it will again.   

A daily pill is going to make life a lot easier.  I can eat grapefruit again and go to my metastatic group next Wednesday.   Still a disappointment.  

Had to wait 45 minutes at the Agency for my pills.  Sat in the loung with a cup of tea and my Kobo.  Parking cost $28.50 for all my stops.  

Rainy night

It's raining but it was a nice day.  In between soccer matches I went to Richmond.  Got strawberries, OK cherries, fresh peas...   Picked up halibut and chips at Pajo's and was home in time for the next games.  Found it confusing to be cheering for the white team on TV and against them on the iPad.  My brain isn't that agile any more.

Still feeling pretty good.  Can't be too far from a bathroom but think that is from the pills I was on last week.  Dr. tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Early day

Had to get up at 7:00 to start drinking water for my 8:00 CT Scan.  It went smoothly as always.  Picked up breakfast at MacDonald's and went home to watch soccer.  I only missed 5 minutes and they had scored twice.  First time teams had a cored 2 goals in under 5 minutes in World Cup history.  Watched the 4 games (iPad and TV) and then the Whitecaps ((boring draw).  

Leg is feeling better.  I'm using an antibiotic cream on the hole and Polysporin on the burn.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Nothing but soccer

Really wanted to stay in bed sleeping, but got up for the soccer.  Took care of most of the day

My leg still hurts sometimes, but is getting better.  Sitting and reading seems the best for it.  Working my way through a lime pie that Patience made for me.  Perfect - TV, good book and pie.  

Monday, June 23, 2014

Wound care

Went to the radiation unit at rage Cancer Agency this morning.  A nurse who takes care of wounds took a look at my leg.  She showed me how to care for it and gave me some supplies.  She thinks the purple is burning from the radiation.  It's starting to peel which means the skin is healing.

Arranged to meet Mae in the cafeteria at 11:30.  Connie and the twins came in with her.  Darline joined us a while later and Ann Anthony stopped to see us.  It was like a reunion.

Stopped at London Drugs on the way home.  Made it home just as the next soccer games started.  They are playing two at the same time this week to help stop cheating.  I watched one on TV and the other on my iPad (CBC FIFA app).  Dozed off after it ended.

Went to Pru's tonight.  Patience goes back to Texas tomorrow.  Bunch of the kids were there.  Prank some wine and had pizza for dinner.  So tired I didn't stay long.  Left them playing a rummy game.   Dropped Kathryn off at the Canada Line.


Stong's delivered groceries this morning.  Worth every penny to have someone carry the heavy stuff.  Then Chris brought up my laundry.

Went to Pru's and she drove us to Chris's for dinner.  Patience's visit is far too short.

Saturday, June 21, 2014


Beautiful first day of summer.  I did venture out to get a prescription at Safeway.  The entrance off 70th was blocked by construction and Granville was a parking lot, so I gave up.  Bought lunch at MacDonald's and went back to watching soccer.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Last day of Spring

Had a much better day.  Lori picked me up at 10 and we found several caches in Vancouver.  Stopped at VGH for appt and then had bento box for lunch.  Couple of more caches on the way home.   It was partly cloudy, but warm in the sun.

As long as I sat still, my leg didn't hurt.  Finished the pills today but will pick up another tube of cream tomorrow.  It still hurts to walk and looks gross.  I felt better and enjoyed lunch. Even my hayfever medication (Avamys) is starting to work.  Need more days like this.

Thursday, June 19, 2014


Still really tired today and my leg hurt a lot this morning.

Met Pru and Patience for a good lunch at The Fish Counter on Main.  Went straight home and dozed for a bit.

My VISA was switched from CIBC to TD as they took over Aerogold.  Got my online access set up and changed most of my automatic payments (I keep a list).  Pleased that the balance owing was transferred and was able to pay it from my VanCity account.  Bought gas so I know I did everything right.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Watched 4 games today - 3 World Cup and 1 Canadian women vs Germany.

Felt out of it all day.  Dozed a lot.


My chemo was at 9:30 this morning.  I'm getting to know other taking the Reolysin   Was finished by 11:00.  Went to Granville Island for a few groceries and was home in time for the Brazil game.

Started shivering around 2:00 for a couple of hours.  Threw up a bit.   My leg is pretty sore.  Dozed a lot.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Long day

My Freemason driver showed up at 8:15.  In 5 minutes I did my teeth, finished dressing, grabbed my go bag and was on the way down the stairs.  He got me to the Agency in plenty of time for my bloodwork.

Had a scone in the cafeteria for breakfast.  Spent the next couple of hours in a lounge chair in the 6th floor lounge, reading and drinking tea.  There is wifi but not good enough to watch the World Cup on my iPad.

My nurse was worried about treating me after looking at my leg.  The trials nurse came to look and thought it looked a bit better and said to go ahead.  Karen emailed her agreement amend we finally started at noon.  After a bit, two of us were moved to another room and nurse.  Juggling those of us needing some isolation (bathrooms that need cleaning) is hard.  I also need to be watched while getting the Taxol.  Did well again today.  Slowly building up the dose is keeping the allergic reaction at bay.  Slept a lot because of the Benedryl.  Went through 4 hot blankets and a couple more cups of tea.  Finally finished at 4, but my driver didn't get me home until 5:30.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Family dinner

Went to John's at 2:00 this afternoon.  By my count, there were 24 of us, including 6 fathers.  Even Matt and Andrea came with Sadie and Lili.  Haven't seen some of the family for quite a while.   Had 2 helpings of BBQ ribs.  Showed my leg to Elaine and Patience and they were suitably impressed.  It' still hurting today.

Left when I was just too tired to stay and was home by 6:30.  Was going to stop at Safeway but changed my mind.  Felt good to curl up in my chair.

Saturday, June 14, 2014


Enjoying watching the World Cup in Brazil.  The CBC app tells me everything I need to know.  Went out between games for a taco salad and a latte for my lunch.

My leg still looks scary and is sore, so I'm trying to keep pretty still.  Trying to figure out how to take the pills every 6 hours.  It should work out to 4/day but, if I get up at 8, that means 2, 8 and 2.   I'll try waking up at 2 tonight.  I have to take them with a big glass of water and can't lie down for 10 minutes.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Friday 13th plus a Full Moon = ?

My doctor doesn't work at Seymour Clinic on Fridays, so I went to their walk-in.  Took 1 1/2 hours to see a doctor for a couple of minutes to get something for my hayfever.  I always have a my Kobo!

Met Patience and Oru for lunch at the White Spot.  Always love it when Patience comes home from Texas and it also means I see more of Pru as she takes time off work.

I was home by 2:00, tired and ready for soccer, Lions and Stanley Cup.  I was on the phone when I realized there was a big area of dark purple at the top of my leg and partway down - about the size of a tennis ball.  The wound had been draining more and it hurt a bit to walk.  I immediately called my trials nurse.  She found Karen in a meeting and they had me meet them at the Cancer Agency.  Karen took a look and thinks it's an infection.   They took two swabs and ordered an antibiotic cream and some pills.

Went to the Safeway and had to wait another 1 1/2.  Was really wiped by then, but they have a comfortable waiting room.  I settled in with my Kobo after getting a few groceries.

Finally got home at 6:00.  So much for a quiet day.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Stanley Park caching

Lori picked me up at 10:30 and we headed back to Stanley Park.  At one point, she left me at the Teahouse parking lot and headed into the forest on her bike.  We had fish and chips at Prospect Point. Got a few in the West End before heading home.

Was a bit tired but felt pretty good.  My leg is seapimg again but that big tumou has sure shrunk.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Pretty good day

This Wednesday was much better than it usually is.  Felt pretty good this morning and ate with no problem.  Didn't have the flu symptoms at all.  Still bothered by sinuses/allergy.  

Still didn't push it and read all day.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Shootout in Vancouver

Ironic that I started my day watching the funeral of the 3 slain Moncton RCMP members and ended up watching the aftermath of a shootout in Yaletown and Science World.  Connie was late getting out with her twins and heard the shots below her Yaletown building.  She should have been right there.  I wore a red top and an RCMP ball cap today.

My appointment for the Reolysin was 10:20.  Easy hour.  Stopped at Safeway for groceries and some Advil sinus medicine.  My renewal for Nasonex has expired so I have to fit in a doctor's visit.

Got a bit cold, but didn't have any shivering today.  Even ate dinner and did the dishes.  The big tumour on my leg is definitely smaller.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Dopey day

My Freemason drivers was really early which was good because I gave the wrong time.  Were early for the right time.  Got my bloodwork done by 8 and had a scone in the cafeteria.  Read newspapers on my iPad while I waited for chemo at 11.  Things went well and I had no reaction to the Taxol. I'm so doped up with Benedryl that I sleep through a lot of it.  It also stopped my allergies.  I'm coughing and blowing my nose a lot.  It's picked up again, now the drugs have worn off.

I was home by 3:30 and dozed a lot.  First thing was a late lunch.  The cafeteria at BCCA used to be much better.  They close at 2, so I missed it by 20 minutes.  They don't start making stuff until 11:30, so no early lunch.  It's always pretty empty and they are turning some of the space into something else.  They've never offered really healthy food.  No hospital I've ever eaten in seems make a real connection between their nutritionist and food services.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

A cold?

Really tired all day.   Just watched golf and read.  My throat has been tickly for a week and I've been coughing.  I put it down to allergies, but my nose chimed in today.  

Saturday, June 7, 2014


Attended the WWFM XIA ~YO YO’s ~ Gathering in Delta with Pam this morning.  Always was useless with a yo-yo.  Lori was attending from Sorrento via FaceTime on my iPhone.  Thousands attended events around the world.

Was pretty wiped after about half an hour and had to leave.  Sitting in the car helped so I was able to pick up some groceries at Safeway.   Spent the rest of the day with the Blue Jays, Belmont Stakes, Whitecaps and Stanley Cup.  Also finished my book. 

I think the leg tumour is smaller, but it is draining again. I also have a lot of those round skin tumours.  Hope the Taxol takes care of those.  

Had some FaceTime with Pam tonight.  Her son was married today at Point Roberts and she showed me the stunning scenery from the location.   Her son in Australia watched the wedding on her rented iPad.  Isn't technology wonderful?


Watched the celebrations for the 70th anniversary of D-Day.  There was pretty impressive coverage on CBC.  Dad was a D-Day dodger in Italy.

Bought a yo-yo for tomorrow's flash mob.  Wasn't  feeling great but sure enjoyed halibut and chips at Pajo's on the beach in Steveston. Sat and read for a bit.  Bought my first strawberries of the season on the way home.  Delicious.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Better day

Slept well and felt better today.  Stayed in and took it easy.

Kudos to our RCMP for capturing Moncton killer with no further bloodshed.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Bad day

Felt crappy all day.  No wonder, since the Reolysin is a live virus.  Dozed a lot and didn't eat much.


Chemo was 9:30.  Almost late as I was playing Candy Crush.  Things went well and I picked up lunch at Trafiq on the way home.

Started shivering a few hours later and wrapped up in my electric blanket.  Just keep drinking lots.  Think my cough is hay fever.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Back on Taxol

Started up my chemo this morning.  Taxol on Mondat and Reolysin on Monday and Tuesday.  I have a lot of tumours that have popped up while off the Taxol.  Hope they start disappearing as they are getting sore.

Freemasons picked me up at 9:00 and had me home at 3:00.  The nurse stretched to the Taxol injection and we avoided an allergic reaction.  They leave such good notes that the next one knows what to do.  I watched her studying her next patient's file on the computer and calling a doctor to make sure the bloodwork was good enough for her to get treated today.

Didn't sleep well last night and dozed through much of the treatment.  Really funny trying to talk when full of Benedryl and felt better when it wore off.  Better afternoon than last time.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Out of tea

Realized I was down to my last two breakfast teabags, so had to make a Safeway run.  Came home via Tim Horton's.

My leg wound is sore today so tried to keep still.  Watched hockey and soccer at the same time.  Whitecaps rule!   Gee, bribes got Qatar the World Cup.  Why else would they put the games in a country with overwhelming heat?   Bet someone will die during a game.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Warm again

The sun is back and will be shining for days.  Quick trip to London Drugs, Cobs & M&M Meats.  Brought home a burrito for lunch.

Quiet day of reading and TV.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Checkup day

Hard to get up for 8:30 bloodwork.  Went to the a Sunshine Diner for Eggs Benny.  Back to Fairmont to see Dr. Sun who was covering for Karen.  Liked her a lot.  She and the trials nurse spent a long time talking to me.  She really understood my problems with appointments and will fix the conflict between chemo and an appointment with the radiation oncologist in July.  Helps that they were in med school together.

They were concerned about the bunch of new tumours on my stomach and back.  Hopefully, restarting the Taxol will help.  They think the wound on my leg is healing.  There's still a hole, but it's not draining or bleeding anymore.  The plan is go back to Taxol on Monday and Reolysin on Monday and Tuesday.  I have a CT Scan booked for the end of June.

Couldn't find parking at Granville Island.  Forgot about the Children's Festival.  Loaded up at Safeway instead.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Stanley Park

Went to Stanley Park with Pam and Lori.  It was supposed to stop raining by noon but that didn't happen.  I felt guilty sitting in the car while they got soaked.  We didn't find a lot and had some DNF's.  Still got some good ones off our map.  Enjoyed the fish and chips at Prospect Point.

My skin is now reacting to the radiation so I'm using lotion they recommended.  It looks and feels like a sunburn.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Open Road

Took my car to Open Road Toyota for service and to get my summer tires put on.  Was there from 12:30 - 16:30!   All set with music, iPhone, iPad and Kobo.  Had a good lunch across the street at a Fenders.  Will need new shocks next time - expensive.

Starting to feel some skin discomfort from the radiation.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Tried having lunch at Pajo's but the tables were full of seniors and disabled people from three buses.  No one was in line fir food as there was nowhere to sit.  Ended up trying Shady Island Seafood Bar and Grill again.  Still has slow service and I couldn't eat the over cooked yam fries.  The third person I mentioned it to said I should have said something.  I did!   No point in sending it back since I'd been waiting so long the parking was expiring.  

Peter Fassbender is the dumbest Education since Christy Clark held the job. 

Monday, May 26, 2014


Had liver for lunch at IHOP.   Want to pass Friday's blood test.

Got an appointment card to see the radiation oncologist.  Another screw up as it is a day I get both my drugs and I'll be all doped up and wanting to be going home.  I'll try to fix it Friday.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Rainy Sunday

Good day to stay inside.  Still pretty tired so didn't do much.  Slept well.  My appetite seems to be normal again.

Poor Habs. Next game!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Better day

Got a good sleep last night.  Started eating slowly today.  By dinner I felt much better.  That was a side effect I don't want very often.

Watched the UEFA finals and then the Whitecaps.  Warming up for World Cup.

Friday, May 23, 2014


It was raining this morning so Pam picked me up at noon.  We found a couple of caches and had lunch at Rocky Mountain Flatbread Company on Main - Ocean Wise shrimp in a light basil lemon mayonnaise with cured tomatoes, boiled organic egg & sprouts. 

We continued cleaning up our Vancouver map. I started feeling bad and really sweating.  We made one bathroom stop on the way home.  Had bad diarrhea for the next few hours.  Drinking Ginger Ale and just had some yoghurt.  Still a bit shaky.  

My trials nurse called to check on me.  She is concerned about a growing tumour below my stomach. It feels like the skin cancer we biopsied before (it was breast cancer mets).  Might have to move up my next CT or do a biopsy.  It gets complicated because of the detailed rules of the trial.  

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Recovery day

Feeling better today.  Nibbled during the day and supper tasted good.  Still a bit shaky and have a bit of a headache.

Stayed in and rested.  Really need to do this on the day after treatments.

Last radiation

Started Wednesday with radiation at 8:00.  My last of five treatments.  Went up for chemo.  A call last week said it was at 9:30, but the appointment slip I got on Tuesday was for 8:45.  Of course, it wad the later time.  Didn't really mind the wait, just the snafu.  Read, had some tea and talked to a volunteer.

Chemo went well and I was home by noon.  Had to wrap up in my electric blanket for a couple of hours but the shivering wasn't as bad.  Didn't feel well and was really tired, so I went to bed around 6:00.  Threw up an hour later.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Better day

Ignored my afternoon appointment and showed up in radiation at 7:45 as suggested by one of the techs last week.  They had a big section of free time at 8:30.  They ended up running late and called upstairs to say I would be late for chemo.  Not a problem.  Too bad the appointments clerks can't be so flexible.

Stopped at Max's for some food on the way home.  Felt pretty wiped by noon, proving why I didn't want to wait hours for radiation.  Got really cold and slept on an off for a few hours.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Victoria Day

Quick trip to Burnaby this morning.  Filled up with gas $1.49!   Shopped at London Drugs and Cobs. Brought home some chicken from Nando's for lunch.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Afternoon latte

Met Mary Locke for lattes today at Beans Around the World.  Had a good visit.  Sat outside it was so warm.  Stopped at Safeway on the way home.

Quiet day

Stayed in to recoup today.  Watched Habs implode.   Finished a good mystery and caught up on taped TV shows.

Tired but feeling pretty good except for a bit of a headache tonight.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Fucked up

Had six calls from three people on two phones today about next week's treatment.

Went in at 3:45 for radiation.  Just realized that the appointment on Tuesday are screwed up again.  I was told to come in before 8 but now realize the card says 1:45.  Chemo is 9:30, so I'll be screwed by then.  I'm going to arrive at 7:45 and see what they say.  If it's no, I'll have to go home and take a cab back.  So pissed.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Appointment fix

My radiation today was at 2:35.  The staff quickly fixed the scheduling problems next week.  I was going to have to go for chemo early and then wait hours for radiation.  I wouldn't be feeling well enough to drive and would have to keep telling staff to clean bathrooms I used.  Now I go for radiation before the chemo.  So simple, but impossible for the booking clerks yesterday.

My treatment was quick and easy.  I was in and out in about 20 minutes.  Stopped at MEC for a new bag I liked online.  Grabbed a smoothie at Starbucks and was home quickly.

Feeling pretty good today.  Missed out on geocaching.


My first radiation treatment was at 2:35.  Didn't realize that a whole new treatment area had been built under the back of the building.  The radiation technologist met with me first to explain everything.  It took a few minutes to align my three tattoos and less time to do the treatment.  I was back in my car in half an hour.  Sounded like a ray gun zapping me but felt nothing.  Four more to go.

I might have a skin reaction in a week or two.  There won't be any visible change to the tumour for a month or more.

My leg is certainly better this week.  It is hardly draining at all and seldom hurts.  I'm feeling much better today than I have for a few.  Quicker recovery during the break from the Taxol.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Chemo day

Had the Reolysin at 9:30 today.  Stopped at Canadian Tire to buy a toaster and grabbed lunch at Starbucks & Quizno.  My drink was the free one for my birthday.

Head was really sweaty last night.  Today I had a bit of fever and the two hours of shivering.

Monday, May 12, 2014


Just had the Reolysin today.  The pharmacy was behind so it took longer.  Parking was $10.50. So unfair.  I was alone in the room and dozed off.  Saw Mae and Darline.  Quick stop at Granville Island.

Had lunch but started feeling cold.  Kept falling asleep and have a little fever.  Didn't eat dinner but had some yoghurt and drank Ginger Ale.

Sunday, May 11, 2014


Pam dropped off my laundry today.  Shortly after, Stong's delivered my groceries.

Decided to stay in to rest up for tomorrow's chemo.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Van Dusen

Had lunch with women from the VESTA Status of Women Committee today.  There were six of us and we went to Truffles at VanDusen Gardens.  Company was great and we stayed for three hours with a good view of the gardens.  The food was pitiful and I won't go back.  They gave me Starbucks and Chapters cards for my birthday.  Also got a Starbucks card from Jane in the mail.  Generous friends!   Think I'll use the Chapters card to subscribe to electronic Maclean's and Chatelaine.  

Tired and sore but a lot better than I've been.  Eight hours sleep helped.  

Friday, May 9, 2014

Plan in place

Felt stronger today.  Had my first shower in a week and there was no bleeding.

Went to the Health Unit in the afternoon and got more supplies.  The nurse took a look and said the wound looked okay.  Stopped at Safeway on the way home.  Also put in an online order at Stong's for heavy stuff.

I just have Reolysin on Monday and Tuesday next week and Tuesday and Wednesday the following week.  The Taxol and bloodwork are cancelled.  Radiation starts on Wednesday for five days.  I then have a week off.  If I start having problems, they might stop the Reolysin.  Glad to know the plan. 

Thursday, May 8, 2014


Lori, Pam and Maureen picked me up this morning.  Lori had done some laundry and Pam took another bag.  We stuck to South Vancouver and Burnaby.   Tried having lunch at Romer's Burger Bar but the only seats left were outside (it was cloudy) and high stools.  No way I was getting up on those with a hole in my groin.  Gave up and went to White Spot.

Had to cone home early as I was feeling shaky.  Yesterday should have been my chemo recovery day. So relieved to get home.   I think all the prodding made the tumour quite sore.  It has settled down tonight.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Prepping for radiation

Met with Dr. Voduc.  We then met the man doing the radiation.  I had a CT Scan and gained another tattoo.  The plan is to stop the Taxol for the next two weeks, but keep on with the Reolysin.  I'll have 5 days of radiation, starting next week.  There won't be any noticeable result for a few weeks. Might have some problem with raw skin.

Came home for lunch and then went to the Health Unit to meet the wouldn't nurse.   She took off the dressing and stretched the skin for a look and it started bleeding.  Almost had to go to the hospital.  They sent me home with pads, a spray and Gelfoam to stop any more bleeding.  If it starts up with any vigor, I'm to go to emergency.  I can now have showers!  

New plan

Went to Health Unit to have the dressing changes.  My Reolysin was at 11.  Picked up some food at Max's.

Shivering started at 2:30 and lasted a few hours.

New plan is radiation every day and no morevTaxol.  I meet Dr. Voduc tomorrow and will have a CT Scan to help him map the treatment. I'll still have the Reolysin on Monday and Tuesday.