Friday, August 31, 2012

Another 100

Passed 100 for the 30th and only have 2 more days to go to complete my challenge of 100 for each day of the month and each month and at least one for 366 days.

Pam and I cleaned up a lot of holes on our map in Delta, White Rock & Surrey.  We had a good lunch at Ricky's.

Pam needed this one.  We did it in the daylight and didn't meet any police as these two cachers did:

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Richmond caches

Pam called to say she was going for a few Richmond caches, so I joined her.  First time out since Sunday.  We couldn't see one at all and another was up a tree, but we did find a few others.

I sat on the beach in Garry Point Park while Pam walked out to the end.  Beautiful day depending on which direction you looked.  Clouds were very weird.  It rained a bit but not on me.

Went to COSTCO for water and then to IKEA for some replacement light bulbs.  First time in the new store and it is confusing.  At least the parking is a lot better.

The traffic at the Knight St. Bridge was really bad so I went back down Cambie to the Oak St. and there was no delay at all.

Watched the Republican convention and can't get over how speakers, especially the VP nominee Ryan, can lie so blatantly and think no one will notice.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Hurricane Isaac

Interesting TV tonight.  Watched some really stupid speeches at the Republican Convention.  You have to wonder how some of them got elected.  Then there were all the reporters trying to stay standing in the hurricane.  Sooner or later, one of them will just be blown away or hit in the head by something.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Cooler days

I have my fans turned off now.  It is much cooler, especially at night.

Didn't do much today.  Watched TV and read.  Have a new Maureen Jennings novel, Season of Darkness, and I don't want to put it down.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Ladner Market

Finally made it to the Ladner Village Market this morning.  Arrived about 10:45 and was home by noon.

Filled my little wheelie with jams, pickles, hand pies, soap...  This is my favourite market as the quality is always top notch.  Each year it seems a bit bigger.  Ate a wild salmon burger for lunch.  The slice of orange makes it.

Enjoyed watching the 15 year old amateur Kiwi win the Canadian Open.  Hope she grows up steadier than Tiger did.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

B12: Blitz Wrap Up - Lower Mainland

Attended event at Deer Lake this morning.  Prizes were given for best caches placed during this year's Blitz contest.  I won a door prize - a collapsible water botttle.

Pam was there and some Germans she had met at an event in Germany.  There were 5 new caches put out but I left without searching for them.  I have done enough this week.  I love these events as I can try putting faces to caching names.  

Stopped at Iona Beach to see if my chair was still there - not!  Shopped at IGA and headed home to put my feet up.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Another traffic jam!

Had Pajo's halibut & chips on the beach at Garry Point today.  The perfect lunch.  Bought a bunch of produce on Steveston and headed home.  My GPS said I'd be there before 3 but it was more like 6:45.

There was an accident on the Oak St. Bridge and I didn't notice the warning on the GPS until it was too late.  After about 40 minutes, I got into the bus lane and off onto Bridgeport.  Stopped at Starbucks for the bathroom and a drink.  Sat for a while reading and then tried going over the Arthur Lang Bridge.  It was horrible, too.  Cars were backed up in every direction.  Managed to get onto the road to Iona and drove to the end.  Sat on the beach reading.  So glad to have the Kobo with me at times like this.

The downside to this little side trip, is loosing my chair.  I leaned it up against the building when I went into the bathroom and then forgot it.

Friday, August 24, 2012

At the Point

Had to pick up some geocoins at TSB Shipping at Point Roberts.  Decided to work on a new multi that had 18 stages.  I found all but 3.  Two are climbs down to the beach and the other is only accessible at a very low tide.  Pam and Lori can help with those.  Even sat and visisted with the CO and his wife.  One of the answers was in his mailbox.

Stopped for lunch at the Pier Restaurant & Grill - a bowl of leak, potato & scallop soup and then some prawns.  Pricy but excellent food and view.

Traffic was so bad at the tunnel, I went to Deas Island Park and read for a couple of hours.  It was still slow!  I walked over 2 km today and it did me in.  Luckily there were leftovers from last night's dinner.

Thursday, August 23, 2012


Went to Maple Ridge area and found 3 multis.  Walked 1.78 km.  One was in a cemetary.  Bit crowded since there was a funeral going on.  The next was at the Cenotaph and I knew the answer was right when I saw I was at the Legion.  The last was a bit tricky and ended with a long walk on the dike.

Had lunch at the White Spot and picked up groceries at Cobs & Price Smart on the way home.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Laundry day

My horoscope said to get on with the household tasks so I did a couple of loads of laundry.

Spent some time looking at caches for our trip next month to Salt Lake City and Idaho.

Picked up some Chinese food in Richmond for dinner.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Lazy day

Had a good sleep and decided to not even get dressed today.  Caught up on newspapers and watched some of the shows on my PVR.

The only real work I did was organizing my trip photos.  I'm feeling fine, just tired.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Going the Tunnel of Light

What a great end to our trip!  We drove East of Seattle to the Iron Horse Trail and a mega event - Going the Tunnel of Light.  Lori's husband, Wayne, rode his motorcycle down and met us at 10.  We then rode through the Snoqualmie Tunnel.  It is 2.3 miles (3.7 km) long and pitch black.  We all had headlamps on top of our helmets.  There was a real mix of transport - feet, bikes, strollers, a couple of electric wheelchairs...  

Lori, Pam and Maureen were on bikes.  And then there was me.   I was in a wheelchair on the front of a bike ridden by Wayne. It was pretty cold going through and there were a few wet spots.  There was a cache partway and a monster guarding it.  An ape met us a the cache on other side.  We rode a while to find a few more.  The trip back seemed shorter and warmer and we had a tailgate picnic before heading home.  

This was part of the holy triad of geocaching. We already have the other two - the Lily Pad (Groundspeak Headquarters), in Seattle,  and a plaque honoring the 1st cache, east of Portland.  We accomplished every goal set for the trip and more. 

I was home in time for the last quarter of the Lions game.  Blowout!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Block Party

We attended the Groundspeak Block Party in Seattle to celebrate International Geocaching Day.  Met several friends and made some new ones.  Had good lunch in a Greek restaurant.

We found several more caches - 8 different types for me.  Finally got back to our hotel in Kent after 7:30.  Had an excellent dinner next to our hotel at The China Star.  Far too much food!

Made a run to Safeway for food for tomorrow and some wine.

Friday, August 17, 2012

We did it!

Our goals was to find four of the oldest caches from 2000 and we did it.  Sat and read for two hours while the others huffed and puffed up a hill. We didn't get back to our hotel to check out until 1:00.

Detoured near Mt. St. Helen's to find another special one and ended up driving a winding road up a mountain. The last part was gravel with a mound of grass in the centre.  The surprise was Lori was able to drive right to it.  We thought it would be another big hike.

Stopped at Applebee's for dinner back in I5 and finally got to Kent at 10:30.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Old caches

Success!   We found 3 caches from the year 2000.  Only two more months left to find.  I sat by the car and read for 3 hours while the others hiked to the first one, east of Portland.  Lori tested her bear spray and it nearly put us all down.  It hurt our throats so much!  We could drive to the next cache but it took a lok of searching before Pam found it,

Back to the hotel for food and showers and then a long drive to the west for the 3rd oldie. All of them took a lot of planning and mapping.  Lori drove us up intimidating dirt logging roads with finesse.

We stopped for dinner and got back to the hotel at 9.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Geocaching quest

Met Pam and Maureen at Lori's this morning.  We picked up a wheelchair that attached to a three-wheeled bike that I'll sit in on Sunday.

Long drive to Sandy, Oregon just east of Portland.  I rode with Lori and the others were in Maureen's pickup with the bikes.   We stopped at Fred Meyers for lunch and supplies.

Mexican dinner and then drove to the original cache site for Maureen.  Adventure starts tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Rough night

Woke up in pain again this morning.  Different place this time but a spot that has hurt before.  Finally moved to the Lazy Boy at 5:30.  Dozed on and off the rest of the morning.

Didn't do what I'd planned for the day and finally went out to the White Spot for dinner.

Have my GPS units all loaded for our trip tomorrow.  We are on a mission to find some of the oldest caches in Oregon.  Then to the geocaching anniversary Block Party in Seattle on Saturday and an adventure through a 2-mile train tunnel on Sunday.  I'll be in a wheelchair on the front of a bike ridden by Lori's husband.


Just went to bed and then remembered this.  Got caught up in making Pocket Queries for our trip and got out of my routine.

Out this morning for a haircut at Mei's.  Missed Diane as she came after me.  

Activated the 4G on my iPad with Roam MobilityI paid $29.95 for 1 month of data which covers most of both our geocaching trips.  A lot safer than other plans as you have to buy ahead of time and can't be surprised by charges.  We can tether 5 other gadgets to it at a time.

Was going to have dinner at the White Spot but the parking lot was dug up.  Drove to Dave's in Steveston instead.

Monday, August 13, 2012

It's over

Watched the last few sports and the closing ceremonies today.  Really enjoyed the entertainment except for Brazil.  Their welcome to the next summer games was pretty lame.  But then, so was ours when we did it in Greece.

Think we did pretty good even though there was only 1 gold.  The numbers I wish they would add up are how many finished in the top 12 in the world and how many individual and Canadian records were broken.

So caught up in the library book I picked up yesterday, I couldn't stop reading last night and today.  Finally finished The Gods of Gosham at midnight.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Olympics coming to a close

Will have to get back to normal after the Games finish tomorrow.  Watched for a while this morning and then went to the library, the Bay, VanCity and Lee Valley Hardware.  Filled up with gas as the prices should be going up in a couple of days.

Took a photo of the expensive car parked in the handicapped spot outside VanCity.  Have decided to post them on my Facebook page.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Another 100

Set out for North Van this morning.  Needed 7 to reach 100 for the day of the month.  Started with a really nice walk in Cates Park for 2 and then wandered across to West Van.  Lunch at Fat Burgers.  Even bought lemonade from 2 little boys who wisely set up at the beginning of a trail.  Succeeded by about 3:00.

Did some shopping in the new Mountain Equipment Co-Op.  Luckily spotted the new store as I drove to the old.

Home just after 4:00 and got caught up with the Olympics.

Bad night

Went to bed early and set my alarm for 5 to watch the women's soccer. Woke up at 2 with a painful left leg.  Took some painkillers and tried to stay in bed but finally gave up.  Got myself comfortable in the Lazy Boy & put a hot pack on the leg.  Settled in to watch the Olympics.  Fell asleep partway through the first half of the soccer and woke up a couple of hours later with the pain gone.  Went back to bed for a while.

Decided to just rest and watch the Games all day.  My leg is fine tonight.  This is the same pain that I had a few years ago.  We think it is a tumour pressing on something.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

New finger splints

Went to Marilyn Green's house (Cygnet Orthotics) to pick up my replacement silver finger splints - I'll try not to lose these in the first week.  I got an Anti Swan Neck Splint with a Buddy Splint for the little finger on my right hand.  

Her house is on top of Capital Hill in Burnaby and has an amazing garden around it and a breathtaking view down Indian Arm.  What a place to come home to every night.

Stopped at Lougheed Mall for lunch and some shopping.  North Road is being dug up for the new Evergreen Line.  Must try avoiding it for a while.

It was a dark and stormy night...

Cloudy today but still pretty warm.  Watched the Olympics and read all day.  My book is 582 pages long about Catherine the Great.  So nice to read something so big on my Kobo.

Picked up Chinese food in Richmond for dinner.  Just made it back before several thunder storms came by.  One peal shook my apartment.  Lots of rain at times.  Hundreds trapped on Grouse until the wind went down and 2 hit by lightning.  Lit a candle just in case, but my power stayed on.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

We was robbed!

Best game I've seen the Canadian women's soccer team play.  We dominated the U.S. and were ahead or tied except for the last 30 seconds.  Too bad the ref became part of the game and it is a tainted win for the U.S.  At least the BC Lions roared!

Ribs and blueberry tart at the White Spot for dinner.  Bit cooler today.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Another hot one

Stayed in front of the fan and watched the Olympics all day.  Far too hot to try doing anything.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Too Hot!

Watched a bit of the Olympics and then headed for Coquitlam & Pitt Meadows area.  Found 5 caches before stopping for lunch in Maple Ridge at the Bobby Sox 50's Diner.

No more luck finding caches.  A few I looked at needed bushwacking at this time of the year.  At one trail, two men came out and said there were 2 bears close by.  Need Lori and her bear spray for this neighbourhood.

Started feeling sick with a GERD attack.  Took some antacid and it settled down.  It was 35 degrees out so I decided 5 was plenty and headed home to watch the rest of the Olympics.


Saturday, August 4, 2012

Olympic day

Wanted to rest my sore leg so put myself in front of the TV for the day.  Best part of the Olympics was the women's soccer team beating GB.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Afternoon snoozes

Thought it would be a quick day but it ended up long.  Left watching the Olympics at 9 and met Dominica and Marilyn from Cygnet Orthotics.  She's just about finished designing my new rings (to replace the ones I lost) and I'll pick them up Wednesday.  Gave Dominica a map of the geocaches around Chilliwack for her holidays.  Getting her hooked!

Bought some stuff at Cobs and then went to Point Roberts for a new camera bag, a bottle of Spanish wine and a scone.  Pam left her sweatshirt in the car so I took it back.  She told me where to go in Ladner to buy some moth traps for Pru's house.  After buying a bunch of fruit and fresh corn, I delivered the traps to the house Pru is painting and we went to Vera's Burger Shack for lunch.

Home just after 3 and actually fell asleep for over an hour.

Thursday, August 2, 2012


Met Pam at 9 and we headed East to Aldergrove.  I logged 12 caches and she got about 25.  A good day!  We had a few DNFs after lunch and decided we do that too often. 

Bought a hot chicken pot pie at Save On and was home by 6 to catch up on the Olympics.

My leg was quite sore on and off through the day but is fine right now.