Saturday, June 30, 2012

New GI Dr.

Had to be at Hornby & Davie at 9:30 this morning.  Left early but traffic was fine and I got a parking spot right outside the door.  Took a minute to realize the parking meters are on the other side of the bike lane.  Paid with my phone.  Love doing that and when the wait was a bit long, added more time.

I really like this new GI Dr. Ho Ho Kin.  She is a lot nicer than the last man I had and really listened to me.  Helps when I hand over a page listing all my illnesses & meds.  We decided to do nothing right now.  My symptoms have settled down and I am eating well.  She gave me some suggestions of what to do with the Gerd attacks and thinks the big attacks I had after Chinese banquets might have been food poisoning.  My immune system is compromised so it isn't surprising no one else was bothered.  I will see her in September but am to call if I am unwell before that.  This one is a keeper.

Headed out to Ladner and was First To Find on a cache put out this morning.  Never thought about trying to be first as I had the downtown appointment.  The next one nearly did me in.  It was really easy but I knelt down.  Ended up rolling to a fence to help me get back up.  My arthritis therapists are right when they say not to do that any more.

Had a cup of seafood chowder & a 1/2 Caesar salad at Sharkey's.  A perfect lunch.  Carried on and got to 12 for the day and 99 for the day of the month.  Stopped at Tim Horton's for a bathroom break and had some ice cream at the Cold Stone Creamery.  They now have free WiFi!

Back to the beach for one more and had to ask a dog walker to bend down for it so I didn't have to kneel again.  Made my 100.  

Traffic was rough at the tunnel as there was a football game so I drove around to the Alex Fraser bridge.  The game was great.  Better start than last year.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Washington caching

Woke up with a headache but took some Tylenal and decided to ignore it.  Stopped at my Starbucks for the obligatory latte to get the geocaching day going.  There was no wait at the border in the Nexus lane.

Found caches from Blaine down the coast to Bellingham.  Even got an Earthcache (with some help from Lori with the math).  Had lunch at the Shrimp Shack - shrimp & halibut & chips.  

There were a few DNFs but I managed to log 16.  This leaves 9 to find on July 28th.  On Friday I need 13 and then 33 on Saturday.  I just want to get the numbers down so it might be possible to finish the 100 next month.

Traffic was backed up going onto the Oak St. Bridge so I detoured to Tim's for some chili to go and tried the airport bridges.  There was a big jam there so I drove towards the terminals and doubled back.  That worked!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Planning day

Went over to Lori's for dinner tonight.  Glad I don't have to go through the tunnel every day.  We planned our trip to the Island next Thursday to Sunday for the Mega Event.  We picked out some key caches and then booked a reservation on the ferry home.

We found an elusive cache in Richmond on my way home.  Had to explain what we were doing to three men on bikes.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Check up day

Sarted my morning at the Mary Pack Arthritis Centre at 8:30.  The OT was replacing the straps that frayed on my hand splints.  One is fitting looser which just showed how much swelling there had been.

Walked over to Fairmont for my appointment with Karen.  Didn't see her but I like the one I saw instead.  We've met a few times now.  She says the tumour markers are either going up or down, according to which scale you look at.  Some of my tumours are growing & others are okay.  We decided to stay on the Tamoxifen until September.  Didn't see Karen.  That's a good sign.  She would have come in if she was concerned.

Found a cache near Stanley Park.  Offered to take a photo of 3 cyclists near a statue on the bench.  I told them what I was doing and one had a boyfriend who went geocaching.  She ducked under the bench and came up with the cache.  Came close to a couple of others but either needed to crawl or hang off a cliff.  Some cachers don't get the terrain levels.  

Realized that I was getting really tired so headed home without getting my 100th for the date (need 2 more).  Grabbed soup & a cinnamon bun at Characters.

Picked up Louise at 5:15 and we went to meet Gwen & Wanda at Chungqing on Commercial.  It was closed for renovations & had a stop work order from the city on the front door.  We then went a few doors down to the Gojo Cafe Ethiopian Restaurant.  They were very patient and helped us order and then came to show us how to eat the dish.  We used Injera (Ethiopian flat-bread) instead of utensils to scoop up the food and it was delicious.  We ended up at the Gelateria Dolce Amore down Commercial for dessert.  

Interesting contrast between tonight and last night.  At the VESTA dinner, several people came up and said how healthy I looked and wasn't it great that I was well.  What am I supposed to say to that?  Well gee, I'm actually dying (my plan is to keep it slow).  Tonight, I didn't have to deal with that.  They get it. 

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

VESTA Retirement Dinner

Had a quiet day today as I was going out tonight to the VESTA Retirement Dinner at the Royal Vancouver Yacht Club.  A perfect evening with an amazing view of the sea and mountains.  Everyone should experience nightfall at such a beautiful location.

It was a small group of retirees and didn't include anyone I had actually taught with.  Still was able to chat with several old acquaintances as we had a buffet that was full of good stuff.  I had a good appetitie today!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Sunny Sunday

Funny sitting in Vancouver with a blue sky when so many places are being flooded in the province.

Watched the England vs Italy game.  The English are so soccer mad - why can't they win tournament games?

Had a great dinner at the White Spot.  The special menu right now is baby back ribs.  Followed that with a strawberry tart.  Perfect.

Did a bit of grocery shopping at Safeway.  Construction has started to replace mine so it was quiet.  People get spooked by big holes.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Stormy night

There was a lot of rain here last night.  Not so much during the day.  Luckily, I am on high ground.  The Fraser is flooding in areas up the valley.  Was thinking of going to Abbotsford on Thursday for one night but not if the weather is like this.

Stayed in and watched Euro 2012 game and the Whitecaps.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

School visit

Picked up a latte and went to Weir for a visit.  Spent a bit of time with Rum and then Lynn asked me to help with a yearbook problem.  The student putting it together has made a separate pdf file for each page instead of one big file.  No way to fix it without hours of work.  I think I was trying to advise on a similar problem the year I retired.  I suggested taking it to a printer to have all the files printed and take the pages to the VSB to print.  

Never did make it into the staff room.  I had to leave finally to make it to my hair appointment.  Nice to have it short again.  It was getting too hot.

Stopped at Granville Island for some groceries.  Usually can get parking with my handicapped sticker.

Pam sent this from Peppermint Patti.  So perfect!

You have multiple GPS units and sometimes have trouble deciding which one to take out caching. Sometimes you take two.*

Given the choice between going caching or attending a banquet, you throw on the hiking boots, grab the bug spray and head for the woods.*

If you cache out in the woods too late, you had better have brought your flashlight so you can find your way back to your car.*

After finally coming in for the night, you're thinking about the cache you were working on, and where you want to hide it.

If a new cache comes out at 11:00 p.m. and one of your fellow cachers phones, you will  go looking for it. In your pajamas. Just add jeans, boots and a jacket.*

If a new cache comes out while you're out for dinner with friends (and are dressed for dining) you will go after the cache in your good clothes (and high heels) in the pouring rain.*

You would rather spend money on a trip to a "Mega" caching event than renovate the kitchen.

The caches you have hidden are your "babies" and they make you proud.

When a package containing cache containers, decals and camouflage tape is waiting for you on your doorstep when you get home from work, you feel like a 6 year old on Christmas morning.

Your idea of the "ideal" vehicle would have automatic doors for each passenger, a fridge, a bathroom and built in GPS.*

Work is what you do to make money to go caching.

You can't understand why people say, "You can only use one GPS unit at a time. Why do you need so many?"*

You find it very easy to spend money on travel costs, geocoins, event T-shirts and more containers suitable for hiding, but difficult to buy new dress clothes.*

You find that rainy days aren't so bad - once you're wet, you can't get any wetter.*

* I have actually done this. Some of them more than once.

If you find that more than three of the above describe how your mind works, then we need to start a support group and get help.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Welcome Summer (and the Great Swag Swap)

Had a quiet day and actually fell asleep this afternoon.  Met Lori at Kerr & 62nd to try to find a bug multi but the first stage was missing.  We did find 2 in Burnaby that were designed around murals on the sides of buildings.  Had to pass a homeless man sitting in Central Park but he chatted happily with us.  Must tell Pam not to try this one alone.

We attended an event in Burnaby at the foot of Byrne Road - Welcome Summer (and the Great Swag Swap).  Met several friends and got hints for a few caches, including the bug multi.  The river was high and fast.

Lost another member of our mets group.  Thirty years old is too young.

Club Mets

Attended metastatic support group this morning.  A small group with one new member.  As always, I felt calmer at the end.

Hair dresser was closed so came straight home.

Still having trouble with my shoulder.  Iced it tonight.

Wrote this last night but it didn't publish.  I'll try again.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Trip planning

Started the day at Mary Pack to have some of the straps and velchro changed on my hand splints.  Need more work next week.  Then to the Cancer Agency for bloodwork.  I am so glad that I have the port.

Went out to Lori's to plan our trip to Salt Lake City in September.  We booked our tickets and Pam's.  We should find a couple of really old hides and hit 4 states - Utah, Idaho, Wyoming & Colorado.  

Quick trip to Point Roberts for gas but got pulled in for a random check.  The customs agent went out to search my car (good luck!) and came back perturbed that he found my wallet.  He insisted that I go out and count the money before I left.  I agreed but had no idea of what was in it.  He also left the trunk wide open with it and my iPad sitting in the open.  Not well thought out.

Bought some gas & a scone for tomorrow's breakfast and then crossed back to Thrifty's for some more groceries.  What should have taken 15 minutes turned into over an hour.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Short day

The day just went.  I watched some Euro Cup soccer and read my newspapers and it seemed to be dinner time.  Frittered away some time updating my health app on the iPad/iPhone.

Lori has planned a trip for September to Salt Lake City & up into Idaho for some old caches.  We should finalize it tomorrow.

Monday, June 18, 2012


It was a dull day with just a bit of blue sky appearing from time to time.  I went on a geocache hunt and managed to avoid the few showers.

Found 13 sprinkled through Richmond, Surrey & Vancouver.  This got me to 5,500!  Didn't get a couple that I was within a few feet of as the terrain was just too much or you had to kneel.  My physio has instructed me not to do that as it damages my knees more.  A couple just eluded me, so I'll try another day.

Picked up Japanese feast at Applause on the way home.

My leg was bloody from the thorns and my shoulder is stiff and sore.  Still had a good time.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Soccer day

It poured and looked cold all day so I stayed in and watched soccer - Euro Cup and Whitecaps.  

Hope to get out geocaching tomorrow.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Found 8 multis & an Earthcache today.  We headed down I-5 and Lori retrieved the one at the Rest Stop that I couldn't reach.  We then did 3 multis in Ferndale.  My favourite was at the library.  There was also a good one along a parkway dedicated to salmon.

Found 3 on the Semiahmoo Spit and another in Blaine.  Bought a lawn chair & a bottle of wine before crossing the border.

We ate at Tim Horton's near where we left Lori's car.  The lemonade tasted so good, but gave me a brain freeze.  Haven't had that for a long time and never this bad.  What a waste of a good drink.

Then we drove both cars to Cloverdale and solved another multi after stashing Lori's car again.  She then took me to a few in Tynehead Park that she had already been to.  We finished off with one more multi before heading south again.  A good day!

This is one of the challenges we are working on.  The first number is what we must find and the one in the brackets is what I still need to get the first number.


I was pooped by the time I got home at 5. 

Friday, June 15, 2012

One more multi

Wasn't going out today but Lori needed a cache and decided to go for a multi in Ocean Park.  I got there at 1 and we started solving the clues.  I have had smarter days!  We finally thought we had it and headed into the woods.  Couldn't see anything at the GZ but we both expanded our search and I finally spotted it under a piece of bark.  Dumb luck or geosense?

I was home just after 2. 

Thursday, June 14, 2012


Went to bed early and had trouble waking up this morning.  I was awake at 5 and 8, but Marilyn's call at 9 woke me up.  Still managed to get her to the airport by 10 for her trip back to New Brunswick.

Stopped at Cobb's & a farm market on the way home.  First local strawberries were in.

Had plans to do a few things but just went home.  Watched some soccer and the Lions first pre-season game.

My shoulder is still sore and has gotten worse in the last couple of days.  Put icepacks on tonight.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Started wearing jeans again.  It was dull a a bit drizzly all day and cold tonight.

Picked up Marilyn and took her for a tour.  We started with the Olympic Oval & Steveston and then through the tunnel and had lunch at Fort Langley in Wendel's Bookstore & Cafe.  After crossing the Golden Ears Bridge we did a little tour of heritage houses in New Westminster.  Drove about 150 km.

Jesse & Pru cooked a great meal - prime rib, gravy, garlic mashed potatoes, mustard carrots, grilled asparagus and chocolate dipped strawberries.  All washed down with mojitos!!

Going to bed early.  I was home by 8 but am really tired.

Alarm test

Had to be up and ready for someone to come in for the annual smoke & heat detector tests.  The main alarm rang long enough to make me wonder if there was a fire.  Always nice to know that all the devices in the building are functional.

Didn't need any caches so decided to just stay in and watch the Euro 2012 and the Stanley Cup.

Feeling more normal today.

Monday, June 11, 2012

White Spot

Didn't sleep too well last night.  Had some pain in my lower back and at the top of the left leg.  One of my tumours must be pinching something.  It eased after I got up and had a hot shower.

Picked up Marilyn & Pru and we had burgers at the White Spot.  Did a bit of shopping in Gastown and drove back via Stanley Park.

Went home and did some cleaning.  Had a few bouts of nausea through the afternoon but wasn't actually sick.  Chicken soup and toast was enough for dinner.

Saturday, June 9, 2012


Lori, Pam & I all took part in flash mob events today.  Lori organized one in Sorrento, wearing hats in the rain, and Pam was at one in Germany, blowing bubbles off a pedestrian bridge.  I was wearing my red shirt in Abbotsford.  It was a cool morning.

Pam's had over 100 people, Lori had about 10 and mine was over 40.  People were in Abbotsford from all over, including Vancouver Island.  Saw several cachers I have met before.  Good to see Sweet Marie making it.

Found a couple of Earthcaches about glacial errata (big rocks) and a multi near a cemetary on Sumas Mountain. 

I was really tired all day and my back hurts a bit, so I came home early.  Drove over 200 km but was able to buy gas for $1.28.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Marilyn arrives

I picked up Marilyn at YVR.  She is here for another Songfire concert featuring 3 of her poems.  It was a long day coming here from New Brunswick and she looked tired.

We visited at Pru's for a while.  I was able to deliver her birthday present.  Nellie dropped by and then I took Marilyn to Oakridge.  She wanted to write a bit before walking back home.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Double entry

Put one cache in twice yesterday so am at 99.  The mega next month will put me over the 100.

Went out to Richmond & to Safeway for groceries and prescription.  Bought lots but didn't have the energy to prepare it.  Luckily there was still some stew in the freezer.

Another 100 date

Wandered around Washington, from Birch Bay to Bellingham.  Found 16 caches and that gets me to 100 for the 6th.  Only have 8 dates to go.  Even managed to get a couple of multis.  I didn't find quite a few.  I could feel one with my cane, but couldn't reach.  I am now at 5,470.

Had a great lunch of halibut & shrimp at the Shrimp Shack.  Bought some bread, cheese & house wine at Trader Joe's.  No trouble at all at the border.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Diamond Jubilee

Spent the day watching the pagentry on TV & my iPad.  Amazing to watch so many people behave.  

Lost an old friend:

Blunt, Gwen

May 10, 1943 - May 30, 2012 

Born in Newcastle, England on May 10, 1943 to John and Charlotte Lewis, Gwen passed away at Cottage Hospice in Vancouver on May 30. She is survived by her son Andrew (Erin) and her grandchildren Elliott and Charlotte who adored their "Grandma G". Gwen was a longtime teacher and librarian who appreciated the smaller things in life such as a glass of wine with friends, a good book, or a walk on the seawall on a sunny day. 

In lieu of flowers, please consider a donation in Gwen's name to the BC Cancer Agency or St. James Community Service Society (Cottage Hospice). There will be no service by request but please drop by and join us for an informal gathering at Monk McQueens (601 Stamps Landing in Vancouver) on Saturday June 9 from 2 to 4 pm.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Mundy Monday

Met Lori in New Westminster and we found 3 caches on the parade.  We then went to PoCo for a couple and then around Coquitlam, ending up in Mundy Park.  I logged 17, leaving only 13 on this date for next month.

A funny day.  A couple of times I was waiting patiently in the wrong place.  Good thing that Lori is so patient.  Must be all that practice with grandchildren. 

I realized the screen of my iPad is cracked - luckily, I took out insurance.  Came straight home when we finished as it seemed the safest thing to do!

We had a good lunch at the White Spot but I couldn't finish it.  Just had some bread and humus for dinner.  Too tired to eat until 8 pm. 

David sent me a photo of my dad as best man at his parents' wedding.  He is the cute one on the right.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Diamond Jubilee

Recorded the boat procession up the times so I could watch it when I woke up.  Recognized Carol Dale on the breast cancer dragon boat.  

Didn't do much today.  Just reading and TV. 

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Grace's funeral

Slept in until 9:30 so grabbed a Starbuck's latte on the way to cousin Grace Eadie's funeral.  It was at an Anglican Church at UBC.

Glad I arrived 15 minutes early because the parking lot was just about full.  The church was packed and they kept putting out more chairs.  Saw several people I knew from the VSB - principals, associates and a superintendent.

Waited until some of the crowd thinned and introduced myself to my family.  Several did remember meeting me in the past here and in Edmonton.  Had a long talk with Grace's brother David & one of her sisters.  They all recognized my dad as being the parents' best man.  Nice to meet people who actually knew him.

So tired afterwards that I forgot my plan for the day and just stopped at Safeway for some groceries.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Rossanne's retirement

Went to Rossanne's retirement at the University Women's Club.  She was in the VESTA office for 30 years & 13 presidents.  Several were there to speak.  Good company and great food.  Helped that I could sit most of the time.

Got a tweet from Matt to say he was in a car accident today.  He thinks the car is totalled as the frame is badly bent.  He has sore muscles but seems to be relatively unscathed.  

Friday, June 1, 2012


Pam, Lori & I headed for UBC this morning.  Found a multi, a puzzle and a few traditional.  Picked up another traditional in Kerrisdale for Pam & finished with a puzzle near Pru's house.

I went to Point Roberts to pick up a package for Moira and loaded up with gas & wine.

Today was the wrap-up session at the Mary Pack Arthritis Centre.  I met with the Occupational Therapist & the Physical Therapist to review my goals and see how I was doing.  Pretty good, I think.

Got some fresh pasta for dinner at Granville Island and dropped Moira's package off as I came home.