Monday, June 2, 2014

Back on Taxol

Started up my chemo this morning.  Taxol on Mondat and Reolysin on Monday and Tuesday.  I have a lot of tumours that have popped up while off the Taxol.  Hope they start disappearing as they are getting sore.

Freemasons picked me up at 9:00 and had me home at 3:00.  The nurse stretched to the Taxol injection and we avoided an allergic reaction.  They leave such good notes that the next one knows what to do.  I watched her studying her next patient's file on the computer and calling a doctor to make sure the bloodwork was good enough for her to get treated today.

Didn't sleep well last night and dozed through much of the treatment.  Really funny trying to talk when full of Benedryl and felt better when it wore off.  Better afternoon than last time.

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