Friday, September 18, 2009

Poor me

Had a really good sleep last night.  The Hilton pillows were excellent and the night quieter than I am used to.

Did have a bit of a headache and my fingers still hurt (but not as bad as last night) so I took a pain killer.   The food was good at the breakfast and lunch buffets.  The RTA training day was worthwhile and I was able to speak up a few times.

Started feeling bad in the afternoon.  The headache was back and I felt a fit sick.  Gave up at 2:45 and went to my room.  The session ended at 3:30 so I didn't miss much.  Fell asleep but by 5 was feeling worse.  Called Pat for advice and decided to head home.

Sitting now with a cup of tea and think I'll try some soup.

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