Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Spent almost 5 hours at the PNE and was quite ready to come home. Don't have the stamina I used to. Overdressed by wearing jeans when I saw the weather. I had been cold yesterday, but it was warm today.

Enjoyed the fair but it is becoming too expensive. Bottles of water are $4 and it seems Coke has a monopoly on it. They are foolish to have the games and food so expensive as many will just stop spending on them. Started the day with a Fisher scone - still the best!

Saw Celtic Thunder and heard a woman describing the oboe with a bag on the end as I left - decided not to embarrass her by naming the bagpipes. The music and dancing was good and it only lasted 1/2 an hour. Sat and listen to Dal Richards. Bought a few good things and walked a lot!

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