Wednesday, July 4, 2012

FTF #9

My Starbucks was too busy so I waited until I was near Haney to buy my morning latte.  My iPhone Tweeted that there was a new cache 4 km away.  I made it in time to be First to Find.  The owner was pleased and came out to take my photo!

Found 3 more but didn't find a lot.  A couple of times I was close but the owners clearly don't understand that 1.5 means you can't find it in a wheelchair.  Some need serious bushwacking or were down inclines.  I tried one horse trail but gave up close to the prize when I realized how dangerous it was getting.

Had lunch at the Bobby Sox 50's Diner in Maple Ridge.  Went a bit further for cheap gas ($1.25) but started feeling really tired and my Gerd was acting up.  Stopped at Timmy's for the bathroom, took some antacid and started drinking water.  It settled down and I was home by 4.  Took the Golden Ears for a traffic free trip.

Just about ready for tomorrow's trip to Chemainus for the big Mega.

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