Thursday, November 19, 2009

Cycle 7 Day 1

Drove Mae to the Cancer Agency and had my bloodwork done at 10:00.  Left the link in the port-a-cath for the afternoon.  Had a latte and scone with Mae and Darline at Bean So Good.

Hung out in the lounge reading my papers until my treatment at 1:00 -  Cycle 7 Day 1.  Each cycle is 15 days, so I've been on this trial for 105 days!  Things went smoothly and I was out of the building by 2:00.

Picked up some groceries at Granville Island and had a bowl of soup.  Home just after 3:00.

My lawyer called to see how I am doing.  I'll gather up my physio bills and send them to him this weekend.  Then we go fo a settlement.  Maybe by Christmas?

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