Monday, March 17, 2008


Today I had the MUGA Scan at VGH. I almost made it through the 15 minutes, but had to get up after about 11. The technician said we had enough so it was fine. My veins are hard find so she left a little port hanging in my arm to put the radioactive stuff in.

I went to the Richmond Ice Centre to watch Evan play in a tournament. Mae, Sean and Connie were also there. Amazing how much energy 10-year olds have!

Picked up my Palm Pilot at Future Shop. Thank goodness I had the extended warranty as it needed major electrical work. Now I won't worry as much about missing appointments.

To Amy's for a haircut. Said I wanted it short and my hope is that I don't need to go back to get a buzz cut if I have chemo. Diane was having her cut this morning. We must coordinate appointments so we can have coffee & crib down the street.

Met Katherine and Louise for dinner at Cactus Club & lattes at Blenz (our Starbucks was blown up by an inept arsonist). Then to the Cancer Agency for our Lesbian/Bisexual Support Group. Good friends who understand what I am going through! Worth going just for the hugs.

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