Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Had to go back to the BCTF building to retrieve the netbook I left there last week.  Duh!

Attended "Strength Within" at Callanish.  3 others from our retreat (the 49ers) showed up today as well.  Janey led the meditation and it was like I'd never left.  It sure comes back easily.  I know I fell asleep a couple of times as someone came to stroke my head.

Stopped at the Sunshine Diner for lunch and ran into Diane and her husband.  If I order eggs benny again, I must ask for a 1/2 order.  Back to UBC and this time found the Bio 101 cache!  Must have looked right at it the last 2 times.

Bought groceries and picked up the full strength prescription for my thyroid at Safeway and then home.  Too tired to continue.  Woke up early this morning and couldn't get back to sleep.

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