Thursday, May 21, 2009

Sacroiliac joint inflammation

Went to my physio today and she said I have Sacroiliac joint inflammation. One joint moved a little and the other not at all. No question that this pain was in my head. She knew exactly where it would hurt. She was able to loosen it through manipulation and I am walking better. Probably jammed it when I fell last week. I have to walk shorter distances and on the flat for a while and have excercises to do.

Met Georgina at the Van Dusen Botanical Gardens. I found a geocache in the totem out front (Al of The Gispudwada) while waiting (152). We walked around and then had tea and lemon tarts in Shaughnessy Restaurant.

Stopped at Mountain Equipment Co-Op to pick up a sling shoulder bag for geocaching.

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