Saturday, November 22, 2008

Accounting day

Cleared up my bills today. Cancelled the VanCity house insurance that wasn't cancelled last month and am getting 2 months payments back. Who knows what happened to the fax BCAA agent said she sent. That was the piece of paper that confused someone into cancelling the new BCAA policy. What a mess!

Sent a copy of documents that came from Opus, my supposed cranberry investment, to my advisor. Maybe he can figure out what to do and if I'll ever get my money back. Jill Bock, the original woman who got me into this, lost her licence.

Pru booked our tickets to Houston - December 16 - January 6. We (Pru and 2 of her sons) are flying out of Seattle.

We apparently had a big wind storm today but I saw no sign of it here.

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