Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Met with my new radiation oncologist, David Voduc.  Very impressed.  The plan is to look for clots with ultrasound on both legs.  If that show nothing, we'll try radiation on the top of both legs to try and shrink the tumours and get the lymph system draining better.  It might work and there could be side effects but it's worth the risk to get more mobile.

My TV is still acting up.  I called to get the little box that holds the PVR recording to work.  Then the PVR started rebooting over and over.  The next fellow gave up and is sending a service person tomorrow.  He suggested unplugging the little box and he was right.  Stopped rebooting.  Afraid this is going to mean sacrificing all my recorded programmes.  I had several movies and a few series I hadn't watched yet.

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