Tuesday, March 9, 2010

BCTF Day 2

Rode Canada Line down to Waterfront and had a sandwich before transferring to Skytrain.  Got off at Burrard and my 2nd day at the BCTF AGM.

Jane MacEwan and Barb Parrott received Life Memberships and Barb was awarded the G.A. Fergusson Memorial Award.  Off to the bar for a martini and then VESTA took us for dinner at the Italian Kitchen.  What an amazing meal!  We shared platters of salad and pasta. 

Back to the Hyatt at 7:30 for the rest of the pension debates.  I enjoyed the 2 days of visiting old friends.  Next year is Victoria!

Walked to Granville & Georgia to catch Canada Line and was home at 10:15.

There was a message from my lawyer to say there has been an offer.  I'll call him tomorrow!!



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