Monday, April 6, 2009

A Day in the Sun

The day ended with a shooting down the street. I see on the 11:00 news that someone was killed at the Husky a couple of blocks from me. So maybe geocaching in the woods isn't any more dangerous than walking to the corner store?

Out this morning to Stanley Park and found 3 caches. One in the woods by the Aquarium wasn't too hard. If you haven't been to the Totems in the last few years, they are worth a visit. Prospect Point is coming together. Once the ground cover has grown in it will be specular - much better than before. Impressed with the stone monument to the storm. Couldn't figure out how to get to a cache under the Burrard Street bridge. Next time I'll walk from the Maritime Museum parking lot.

Out to Richmond to shop at COSTCO. The clerk didn't scan 2 cases of water (yes, I buy bottles since I am in a building with old pipes & my immune system is compromised) and I was caught at the door. I said if I was trying to steal something, I'd have picked something smaller (and worth more) and they were quite pleasant about it.

Failed to figure out how to get to a cache near the Knight Street bridge and took it as a sign to head home. 63 finds!

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