Saturday, August 30, 2008


Made it to the PNE today just at 11:00. Parked in the lot across from the front gate. Started with a Fisher Scone. Wore a jacket but it didn't rain much at all and by the afternoon the sun came out and it was hot.

Won a big monkey with the crossbow. Had to go back to the car to unload him. Gambled at the new slots in the race track. I'll never make a living at it. Wandered around for 5 hours and saw a little bit of everything. Was finally too sore and tired to do more and left with my usual collection of booty.

Stopped to give the monkey and a couple of other things to Matt. He is still in pain but it is better than it was.

Met Moira at Applause, our new favourite Japanese restaurant. I can always manage to eat enough with having to take the raw fish.

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