Tuesday, February 25, 2014

REOLYSIN® in Combination With Paclitaxel

Next stage.   Saw Karen Gelmon this morning.  My tumour markers are creeping upa d the CTScan shows tumours are growing.  The big one in my leg has broken through the skin and there is a new mass down the leg.

I've agreed to enter another clinical trial.  It's REOLYSIN® in Combination With Paclitaxel.  I don't know if I'll be chosen to get the Reolysin yet.  It's a virus that attacks cancer cells.  I have to go in for intravenous treatment and won't be able to drive if I get the Reolysin as they'll give me Benadryl first.  Each treatment will beep about an hour and I'll be going in several days a month.  

Sweet talked my way out of a ticket as I was there far longer than expected.  Bought my ICBC at the BCAA. Picked up some groceries at Granville Island.

Headache tonight.  I'll have to stop taking Tylenol and eating grapefruit.

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