Wednesday, June 19, 2013


You can always tell things aren't perfect when the doctor goes to fetch Karen Gelmon.  My tumour markers are slowly dropping and my weight has stayed the same. The CTScan shows most tumours are the same and a few have grown.  There's something in both lungs but it could just be leftover from my infection in March.  I showed them 3 new growths that I can feel and they found another in my neck.

It was mostly good news and Karen doesn't like jumping to change medications.  I'll have another checkup in 6 weeks instead of 8.  While it wasn't all good news, it could have been a lot worse.  I pointed out that I can manage my side effects and they weren't enough to make me want to stop this treatment.

Treated myself to halibut and chips at Pajo's on the beach in Steveston.  Finally got some local strawberries on the way home.

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