Sunday, April 22, 2012

Chilliwack Earth Day

Drove to Chilliwack for an Earth Day Geocaching event.  Arrived early so found 3 caches.  The event was at an annual ED fair.  Signed in and was in the photo.  They had a list of new caches.  Think I'll save them for another day.

Had lunch at the airport (chef salad & raspberry/peach pie) and then found another in the Midnight Coffee series.  Failed at the next and at a letterbox hide.  Think I know where it is but a neighbour was eying me suspiciously.

Decided to head home at about 3:30.  Went via IKEA in Richmond and found a final for a puzzle I had solved.  Walked down a really old trail and across an ancient little bridge.  

Stiff from yesterday's pool exercises.

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