Friday, February 19, 2010

Russell Medal

Spent the day watching Olympics and loving it.  Went to Pru's for family dinner but only Patrick and Jesse showed up.  Didn't matter.  The food was great and we watched TV together.  Great to watch Jon Montgomery win gold in Skeleton.  He is from Russell, Manitoba and that is the town next to Rossburn, where my family homesteaded in the 1880's.  I have cousins there and Uncle Jim's family is from Russell.

Pru and I are addicted to Bejewelled.  She was playing on her computer and I was on my iPhone (which connects to the Facebook game).

Found my tripod and headed to the airport but couldn't find a place to park to try photographing the rings.  Gave up and took some shots of the Richmond Oval.

From Olympic Games 2010

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