Monday, April 14, 2014

Another reaction

Had to get up early this morning. Freemasons picked me up at 7:45. Bought a scone and a yogurt after my bloodwork.  Sat in the lounge with my Kobo, iPad, iTouch (music), iPhone and wireless headphones.

Started chemo at 10:20.  Doubled up on pretreatment drugs.  Got half was through the Taxol before allergic reaction.  Started with shortness of breath.  I called the nurse as it started.  My face flushed dark red and my back ached.  By the time the on call doctor arrived, I was much better.  I was really drunk on all the drugs.  We started again once everything felt normal

Freemasons had me home by 3.  Slept on and off after eating a bit.  Really thirsty.

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