Thursday, February 23, 2012


Just waved hello to Karen in the hallway and was seen by another oncologist, Val Geddes.  Really liked her and know that when I do not see Karen it is because she is not worried (cannot do an apostrophe on my keyboard - it is an accented è).

I have a lot of pain on my lower left abdomen that I did not notice until she started palpating it.  She was satisfied that there was no mass and my organs felt normal.  My lungs also sounded good so hope that means the cancer has not come back into them.  The tumour in my groin is about the same size so we will continue to ignore it.  The one on my shoulder is almost gone.  I complained about the GERD so she wrote a prescription for a strong drug for 6 weeks.  Then I can go back to the over the counter brand if I am not having attacks.  

The good news was my tumour markers.  They dropped from 120 to 96 - the lowest since last May.

Picked up some apples at Granville Island and then remembered to go to the Cancer Agency to drop off my Tamoxifen prescription.  Stopped at Safeway for the GERD medicine.  Cost $100 for 6 weeks!

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