Monday, January 10, 2011

Snow in the valley

Drove to Chilliwack for the 2nd in my birthday series of caches (must find 6 on their anniversary of being placed).  Stopped in Abbotsford for gas ($104.9) and there were several inches of snow.  Put on the trusty snow boots and got out my Olympic mittens.

Saw one car on it's side on the median so drove carefully.  There wasn't as much snow in Chilliwack.  I drove up the side of the mountains to the south and walked into the forest.  The owner of the cache saw me looking and came to check.  The container was gone and the inside tube was hidden in a new place.  I actually found it in the end and she has taken it away to repair.  Thought I deserved a good lunch at the Chilliwack Airport.  Had to wait in line for about 1/2 an hour!

Tried for a 3rd birthday in Mission but couldn't find it after climbing a hill kids were sledding down.  Then tried for one in Surrey.  I thought it was a birthday but it wasn't.  Didn't matter since I failed on this one too.  Even tried for help from Pam via cellphone.  Darkness was falling and I was down in a ravine so finally gave up and left.

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