Thursday, December 17, 2009

Odd day

Picked Mae up at 9:45 and went to the Relaxation Group at the Cancer Agency.  Upstairs at 11:30 for bloodwork.  I missed the note to fast yesterday so did that today and the nurse added another glucose test.  Finally went to the cafeteria for lunch at 12.

Read my book for a bit and then tried to pick up my prescription but there was no record of it.  I said I'd be back after my chemo and settled in for today's treatment.  It always goes faster when there is someone else there who is talkative.  Afterwards I went back to the pharmacy and my pills were ready.

I know what I want to buy Lily for Christmas and can see it on the Internet but no one is selling it here.  Maybe I'll order it for her birthday and find something else for Christmas.  I sat outside Toys 'R Us and looked up all local toy stores on my iPhone and called them (by just pushing the phone number on the website).  No luck but it saved a lot of driving.

I was tired so just went straight home after that failed shopping attempt.

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