Friday, July 29, 2011


Finally - a summer day!

Met Pam in Coquitlam Mall and we headed for Bunzen Lake, then to Alouette Lake (Golden Ears).  Stopped in Haney for lunch and then off to Rolley Lake.  We got 2 squares on our map of BC & 2 provincial parks for Pam.  A perfect day for doing this.  Pam scrambled for a few that were beyond me.

Took her back to her car and then went to pick up my old GPS at Georgina's.  Ended up staying for a great dinner and made it home at 8:50.   A long day!

Just called 911 to report 2 drunks trying to ride away on their motorcycles from across the road.  Didn't realize they were electric until they actually got them going.  The woman had a helmet but road away on the sidewalk.

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