Friday, April 22, 2011

Busy day

Did 3 loads of laundry so lost count of the times up and down the stairs.

The Cancer Agency called to see if I could come early for the FASLODEX shot.  Got there and was checking in when I realized I'd forgotten to pick up the drug.  Called Macdonald's Pharmacy as I walked down and they had it for me pretty quick.  Back for the shot and to have the port cleaned.  This is the first time the shot has hurt afterwards.  I've reached my maximum on the Extended Health so they are paying all of it!  Must send bills for the other months to the drug company and they will return some of it.

Stopped at Seymour Medical for bloodtests for my rheumatologist.  Too bad they can't use the port.

Poor old Canucks need a jump start!

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