Friday, August 24, 2012

At the Point

Had to pick up some geocoins at TSB Shipping at Point Roberts.  Decided to work on a new multi that had 18 stages.  I found all but 3.  Two are climbs down to the beach and the other is only accessible at a very low tide.  Pam and Lori can help with those.  Even sat and visisted with the CO and his wife.  One of the answers was in his mailbox.

Stopped for lunch at the Pier Restaurant & Grill - a bowl of leak, potato & scallop soup and then some prawns.  Pricy but excellent food and view.

Traffic was so bad at the tunnel, I went to Deas Island Park and read for a couple of hours.  It was still slow!  I walked over 2 km today and it did me in.  Luckily there were leftovers from last night's dinner.

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