Pam called to say she was going for a few Richmond caches, so I joined her. First time out since Sunday. We couldn't see one at all and another was up a tree, but we did find a few others.
I sat on the beach in Garry Point Park while Pam walked out to the end. Beautiful day depending on which direction you looked. Clouds were very weird. It rained a bit but not on me.
Went to COSTCO for water and then to IKEA for some replacement light bulbs. First time in the new store and it is confusing. At least the parking is a lot better.
The traffic at the Knight St. Bridge was really bad so I went back down Cambie to the Oak St. and there was no delay at all.
Watched the Republican convention and can't get over how speakers, especially the VP nominee Ryan, can lie so blatantly and think no one will notice.