Picked up a latte and went to Weir for a visit. Spent a bit of time with Rum and then Lynn asked me to help with a yearbook problem. The student putting it together has made a separate pdf file for each page instead of one big file. No way to fix it without hours of work. I think I was trying to advise on a similar problem the year I retired. I suggested taking it to a printer to have all the files printed and take the pages to the VSB to print.
Never did make it into the staff room. I had to leave finally to make it to my hair appointment. Nice to have it short again. It was getting too hot.
Stopped at Granville Island for some groceries. Usually can get parking with my handicapped sticker.
Pam sent this from Peppermint Patti. So perfect!
You have multiple GPS units and sometimes have trouble deciding which one to take out caching. Sometimes you take two.*
Given the choice between going caching or attending a banquet, you throw on the hiking boots, grab the bug spray and head for the woods.*
If you cache out in the woods too late, you had better have brought your flashlight so you can find your way back to your car.*
After finally coming in for the night, you're thinking about the cache you were working on, and where you want to hide it.
If a new cache comes out at 11:00 p.m. and one of your fellow cachers phones, you will go looking for it. In your pajamas. Just add jeans, boots and a jacket.*
If a new cache comes out while you're out for dinner with friends (and are dressed for dining) you will go after the cache in your good clothes (and high heels) in the pouring rain.*
You would rather spend money on a trip to a "Mega" caching event than renovate the kitchen.
The caches you have hidden are your "babies" and they make you proud.
When a package containing cache containers, decals and camouflage tape is waiting for you on your doorstep when you get home from work, you feel like a 6 year old on Christmas morning.
Your idea of the "ideal" vehicle would have automatic doors for each passenger, a fridge, a bathroom and built in GPS.*
Work is what you do to make money to go caching.
You can't understand why people say, "You can only use one GPS unit at a time. Why do you need so many?"*
You find it very easy to spend money on travel costs, geocoins, event T-shirts and more containers suitable for hiding, but difficult to buy new dress clothes.*
You find that rainy days aren't so bad - once you're wet, you can't get any wetter.*
* I have actually done this. Some of them more than once.
If you find that more than three of the above describe how your mind works, then we need to start a support group and get help.
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