Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Matt's 40th

Picked up a birthday cake at the Bon Ton and had a scrumptious lunch - croissant with ham & cheese, loose tea & pastries.

Bought a Kobo Touch on sale at Chapters.  My OT says I should avoid holding books for too long. Picked Kobo as you can load books for free from the library and you can't in Canada with the Kindle.  Already reading a book on it - Half-Blood Blues.  Haven't been reading much lately and think maybe it was because it hurt my hands.

Stopped at London Drugs for a knee brace.  Got a smaller type than the one the OT lent me and it is much easier to put on.  My knee is almost better today.  Don't know how it could change so quickly - ice, Tylenol for Arthritis, rest, elevation...

Found some caches including one using a CHIRP.  Love driving over the Golden Ears Bridge.

Great dinner at Matt & Andrea's to celebrate their birthdays.  Have some in the fridge for tomorrow's dinner.  Found a cache in a busy parking lot on the way home.  No one around at 8:45 to see me in the tree.

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