Sunday, September 11, 2011

Lions Roar

Up early and found a cache along the dike in Richmond.  Matt came by at 11:10 and carried the printer down the stairs.  I took it back to Staples for a refund.  It was too complicated and the online reviews right on the HP website said it was a terrible model.

Picked up Pru and we went to the last game the Lions are playing in Empire Field.  Picked the closest parking lot and they let us in after it was closed off.  The SPARC pass helps!  Not far to walk at all.  Our seats were right at midfield and in the shade on the East side.  Great game to be at.  The weather was perfect and we dominated every aspect of the play.

Met Moira at 7 in the White Spot.  Stayed for almost 2 hours.

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