Sunday, June 19, 2011

Steveston Island

Rainy morning so I was glad we decided to postpone our visit to the ghost town near the Boundary Bay Airport where Edna lived with Tim & Patience at the end of the war.  Much better in the sunshine.

Met Lori & Pam across from Steveston Island at 1:30.  My job was to take photos and to back them up if something went wrong (hah!).  The couldn't get all the way on the sand so backtracked and went over the rocks on the weir.  It took 1 1/2 hours to find the 2 caches - both are 5/5 for terrain.

Stopped at London Drugs and then home by 3:30.

Picked up Moira and we had dinner at the White Spot.  All our favourites are gone from the dessert menu so we went to Dairy Queen in protest.

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