Friday, April 29, 2011

Royal Canadian Air Force Station Boundary Bay

Took about an hour to get from here to Pam's in Delta this morning.  There were some demonstrators near the tunnel and they delayed opening the 2nd lane south.  Even then, there was still a huge lineup waiting to come north.  At least I had my latte.

Picked up Pam & Lori and we finished the caches at the old ghost town that was the Royal Canadian Air Force Station Boundary Bay during the war.  Patience and Edna lived here right after the war as there was no housing in Vancouver when they moved here. TJ joined them on weekends with a bag of coal under his arm!

Finally finished the photos from our Harrison visit.

Did some shopping at London Drugs, Canadian Tire & Tim Horton's on the way home.

Picked up Pru and we went to the Chaise Lounge on Main St. with big group of family and friends to eat, drink and watch the Canucks win.  One surprise was there that I can't mention.

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