Friday, January 28, 2011

Day of errands

Remembered in the middle of the night that I had a treatment today.  Went early to beat the rain and found a cache in QE Park.  Picked up Faslodex at Macdonald's Pharmacy and took it to the Cancer Agency for the injection.  Mentioned that I was concerned about not using my port went up to the chemo ward for a flushing.

Got a hair appointment and stopped for a latte & scone down the street.  Stopped to take mail to Pru at the house she is working at on Nanaimo.  Picked up a birthday present at the Gourmet Warehouse and was home in time for Perry Mason (2:00).

Still no side effects or pain from the injection.  I'll get some blood tests and see my oncologist in a month.  Fingers crossed!

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