Took the Canada Line to Broadway & Cambie. Stopped to search for a cache but still can't find it. Almost hit in crosswalk. The car left the stop sign after I stepped off. I had feeling and wasn't hit. Punched it as it went by.
Attended metastatic cancer group at the Cancer Agency. I must try to do this more often. One of the problems we talked about was "looking good" when we are really quite sick. You don't always want to tell people that looks are deceiving.
I witnessed a car accident as I left. An elderly woman was illegally parked and decided to pull out onto 10th. She signalled with her arm and the car coming didn't want to stop. He pulled around and clipped her front. The jerk got out to check his car and then just drove off without a word or look to the other. I gave my information to the woman who was quite shaken.
Back on the Canada Line and met with my lawyer downtown. Signed off on my accident and was given a cheque for $25,096.00. Very satisfied with the work of my lawyer,
Ivar Lee, at Paine, Edmonds.
First stop was the nearby VanCity to deposit the cheque. I still needed my cache for the day so took the bus (I had a Day Pass) to Nelson and walked down to Yaletown. Quickly found a puzzle cache and walked back to Granville. Wanted my first meal at a food cart and found Re-Up near the Art Gallery - great pulled pork sandwich.
It was too late to do much else so I took the Canada Line home.
The sore in my mouth is worse and now my ear is acting up. Don't need this!