Thursday, November 18, 2010

Plan C

Fasting bloodwork at 8:40 this morning and then home for a few hours.

My oncologist is away so I saw Dr. Sun.  She said I was to stop the trial and the exemestestane as my tumour markers are going up and the tumours are growing.  We talked about a new drug called Fulvestrant but I'd have to pay for it (maybe my Extended would cover it) as the trial was for bone mets and my bone scan was clear.  She had just read of another trial this morning and went to check.  Dr. Chia came in and offered this new study to me and said the company would work out the payments with my EH.

I signed up right away for it - Positron Emission Tomography/Computerized Tomography (PET/CT) Guided Fulvestrant Therapy for Patients With Recurrent or Metastatic Breast Cancer.  It must be the teacher in me that likes being a test subject.  The idea is to follow me with PET scans to see if the estrogen receptors quiet down after taking Fulvestrant.  The benefit of being in a trial is you see the doctors more often and get tested regularly.  With this one I get a shot every 3 weeks.  I'll only use the port for bloodwork and will probably have to have it flushed regularly.

Picked up some comfort food at Granville Island Market and then came home to watch the Canucks lose!

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