Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Went to the Cancer Agency at 9 for blood tests.  Enjoyed a cup of tea and (crumbly) scone for breakfast.  Getting bored with soft food.

Saw Dr. Gelmon for the 1st time in a couple of months - she was away last month.  She didn't have the tumour marker or biopsy results yet.  Monday's CT Scan didn't show much change.  She'll call Friday or Monday with more info.

She thinks we don't need to panic with the new diagnosis of an estrogen negative node in the right leg.  I am not getting sicker, like I was a couple of years ago, and the CT Scan isn't showing a big change.  My tumour markers are now in the 50's but not going up steadily.  More like a hover.

The plan is to keep me on the current treatments and assume that they are working for most of the cancer.  If the new kind acts up, I'll need more chemo.  She doesn't think we are anywhere near there right now.  It is more wait and see but at least no one is panicking.

Got some more soft food at M&M and Cobbs and some fresh local strawberries and raspberries at a fruit stand.  After grabbing a couple of library reserves, I headed home.  

My mouth is sore tonight and I am really tired.  No family reunion in Alberta for me this weekend!

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