Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Blood test was 7:45 this morning - had to set 2 alarms!  Had breakfast at Sunshine Diner.  As I returned to the Fairmont Building at 9:30 the sky turned pitch black and the hail came pounding down.  By the time I got in the parking lot, everything was covered.  I finally got out and made for the entrance and got soaked.  Bought a wrist splint in the pharmacy.  I'm supposed to wear it to bed.

Dr. Gelmon was pleased with the results of Monday's CT Scan.  My cancer is certainly behaving itself.  She thinks the arthritis could be caused by the drug I'm taking every morning.  If that it true, it is an acceptable trade-off.

I was so tired I just stocked up at Safeway and headed home.  Missed the end of Murder She Wrote when I fell asleep.

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