Saturday, August 8, 2009

Cool weather

Such a relief to have cooler weather. We now need 2 days of heavy rain and then the sun can come back.

Went geocaching in Delta. Did some long walks I avoided in the heat (2.6 km) and am up to 261 finds. Lori is at 564 and Pam is rocketing ahead of me with 301! Was seen by walkers a couple of times while in the bush. I can just imaging what they thought I was doing! Had lunch at Ricky's in Ladner and failed on couple of caches by the ferry. Managed to get through the tunnel just at the beginning of the rush.

Picked up fruit and vegetables in Richmond and then home. Sales must have dropped off so the Lion's game was blacked out. Listened to them win their 2nd game on the radio.

My computer monitor keeps going to sleep. Since the laptop is in for repairs, I'm using the Netbook. Talk about having too many toys!

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