Friday, June 5, 2009

Clinical Trial begins

Arrived at the Cancer Agency at 8:00 for bloodwork. The second person to stick me found the elusive vein that was lying flat, trying to hide. She drew 9 vials of blood (I had 6 on Monday) and there was someone waiting to take 8 of them away. Now for breakfast!

Nothing here to eat so walked to a local coffee place for tea and a scone (raspberry & white chocolate).

Met with trial nurse and filled out a form about how I was feeling. Then she and Dr. Gelmon examined me. My blood tests were all normal so we can begin the trial today.

Just picked up my Aromasin (Exemestane) and took the first tablet. One a day & I have to fill in diary to say when I take it.

Mae came to meet me in the lobby and we went to Granville Island for lunch. After taking her home I found geocache #170 at the 100 sculpture near the entrance to Granville Island/Granville Street bridge.

Sat in the lobby and read the newspapers. Picked up my Exemestane at 13:30 and took the first one. Have to record it each day on a diary sheet.

Went to 6th floor chemo unit and started the AMG 479 (or placebo) at 15:10. The nurse put the intravenous in the back of my right hand (next time I'll have the port-a-cath!). After 1/2 and hour she needed to draw blood on the opposite side. She had to get special permission from a doctor since I had lymphodema on that side. It hasn't been a problem for quite a while so it was allowed. She stuck the first needle in but couldn't fill a vial, so had to do it again and was able to fill two. We decided to leave it in as she needed to draw two more at the end of the hour. It took an hour this time as they were watching for an allergic reaction. Next time it will only be 1/2 an hour since I tolerated it. I had to sit for a further hour on a saline drip just to make sure I wasn't going to have a reaction.

Picked up Mae and we had dinner at the Cactus Club. I had a big thick steak to replace some of those red blood cells. I came straight home after that. I am tired and have a bit of a headache. Also have a bruise developing on the back of the right hand.

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