Found a cache near home on Sea Island - could see it but couldn't climb down to reach it. Went to Canadian Tire to buy gizmo to reach and will try again. Also got a mirror on a retractable rod for those low down places.
Drove to Point Roberts. There was about a 20 minute wait. Found 2 geocaches - one with the mirror. One was at the western end of the US/Canadian border and found "Marker No. 1, a 20-foot-high obelisk erected to commemorate the establishment of the 49th parallel as the border between the United States and Canada." The mirror helped me find the next cache and I retrieved The travelling Kiwi who started its journey in Germany. In the next I found a Digitalfish who spawned in California. I'd never seen one of these and will pass both on as soon as I find caches big enough. So many are just large enough for a paper to sign.
Decided to return home early enough to miss the tunnel traffic and failed! Took River Road to the Alex Fraser Bridge and it was better. With a clue from Lori, I returned to a cache in Burnaby and found it quickly. The nearby store, rewarded me with a T-shirt. They sell anything you would need for your Garmin.
Home in time to watch Kelowna kick butt!
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