Sunday, May 31, 2009
White Rock
Glen picked us up and we went back to their house. After taking Mae home, I was back at my apartment by 5:30. Didn't miss much of the game but my team lost again!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Waterfall in Delta?
Stopped for asparagus at Richmond Farms and then to Ironwood for some clothes, bread & M&M stuff.
My back is just about better. I use the trekking poles for the longer walks and it helps. Even my neck has been pretty good - if you don't count not being able to look over my shoulder.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Clean again
Got more details on next week's medical appointments - nothing to do on Thursday!
Out to the bank (to get cash & pay the ambulance bill - what kind of billing department sends a bill 6 months later!!!), COSTCO & Oakridge VPL (for books on tape for the car). Found 1 geocache near Langara (157).
Met Moira at White Spot for dinner.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Plan B begins
I start with a fasting glucose test on Monday and a bone scan on Wednesday. There is a shortage of isotopes so she is going to see if the one I had on May 4th will be acceptable. On Friday, June 5th, I'll see Karen in the morning and start the treatments in the afternoon.
I've agreed to have the port-a-cath inserted and will have that done in Vancouver Hospital in the next couple of weeks. Too many sticks with no veins!
Found a couple of geocaches (156) in Queen Elizabeth park on the way to physio. Still working on being able to look over my left shoulder!
Stopped in for a cup of tea with Pru.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Gulf of Georgia Cannery
Met Diane and her class (and Theresa with her class) at the Gulf of Georgia Cannery National Historic Site of Canada for a field trip. Very good displays and an excellent film to explain the history of fishing in B.C. and how the cannery operated. I can still smell the reduction stench from when I went to school at Lord Byng while they rebuilt the burned Mort Elementary (now Whiteside).
We then walked to the Steveston Community Centre playground and let the kids eat and play. Diane & I went across the street & I had a latte & cranberry scone for lunch. On the way back to the bus we went along the waterfront and let the kids see the fishboats up close. Saw a couple of swans.
Took a book I'd bought on Italy back to Chapters and exchanged for a couple of history books: A Traveller's Guide to Historic British Columbia (3rd edition - I'll give the 1st away. It has been on the seat beside me on many drives around the province) and Witness to History. Italy now seems too complicated to fit in between treatments.
Stopped at IGA and the library on the way home.
Tommorrw I'll sign up for the clinical trial and get the timetable for the treatments.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Let's not get dressed day
Spent the day reading, paying bills, straightening up....
The watched Philly win the hockey game. Finally picked the winning team to cheer for.
Monday, May 25, 2009
New Clinical Trial
Exemestane is an oral steroidal aromatase
inhibitor currently indicated for
adjuvant treatment of hormone receptor-
positive breast cancer in postmenopausal
women and for advanced breast
cancer in postmenopausal women
whose disease has progressed following
treatment with tamoxifen."
I was also invited to join a clinical trial:
Amgen Protocol No. 20060362 - An International, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled, Phase 2 Study of AMG 479 with Exemestane or Fulvestrant in Postmenopausal Women with Hormone Receptor Positive Locally Advanced or Metastatic Breast Cancer
Cancer cells become dysregulated via
multiple mechanisms, some of which
are related to cell proliferation. Interest
has been focused on developing novel
targeted agents that can restore cellular
functions involved in regulating
cell growth. Recent data suggest that
increased insulin-like growth factor-1
(IGF-1) signaling mediates cancer-cell
proliferation, reduces apoptosis, and correlates
with a higher incidence and progression
of several common cancers. A
number of agents are in various phases
of development that bind to, and target,
IGF-1 receptor (IGF-1R) and inhibit
these signaling pathways that promote
tumor progression, growth, and survival.
AMG 479, an investigational fully
human monoclonal antibody in earlystage
development by Amgen, is directed
against IGF-1R.
I took away 20 pages to digest. I am pretty sure that I will agree to the trial. The side effects aren't too bad (the top 3 are fatigue, rash, low platelets). The only problem might be my veins. The Exemestane is a daily pill but the AMG 479 (or the placebo) is by intravenous every 2 weeks. There are also a lot of blood tests. I might need a port-a-cath installed. Chemo is still a possibility but there are a few other things to try first.
I'll return to the Agency on Thursday to meet with the trial nurse and sign the documents. I'll then get a calendar of appointments so I can get on with other things. Looks like any holidays will have to be short ones.
Came home for a bit and then went to the last meeting of the VESTA Status of Women Committee. We then went to Stella's Tap and Tapas Bar on Commercial for dinner - excellent!
On the way home I made a bathroom stop at Matt's. Visited with Andrea and the girls until he got home from work at 8:00. Stressful time for him. Sharron is in St. Paul's with clots in both lungs. She'll be there for a week and they are doing a biopsy to check a suspicious node. Matt & Andrea have also sold their apartment and have put an offer on a townhouse in Port Moody!
Then stopped to visit Pru and we went over the trial papers. Always nice to have others agree when you have such an important decision to make.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Walking again
Home to heat and ice. My back is much better than it was.
Hot and Cold
Friday, May 22, 2009
Tried geocaching but failed to reach one first. Also decided that I couldn't climb down on the rocks with my sore back and could see someone else was already down there looking.
Finally gave up doing anything and went home - those 2 bottles of water for the CT-Scan were demanding!
Picked up a reserve at the library and met Matt, Andrea, Sadie & Lily for dinner at the Oakridge White Spot. The girls shared a Pirate Pack and were quite happy. Did some grocery shopping on the way home.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Sacroiliac joint inflammation
Met Georgina at the Van Dusen Botanical Gardens. I found a geocache in the totem out front (Al of The Gispudwada) while waiting (152). We walked around and then had tea and lemon tarts in Shaughnessy Restaurant.
Stopped at Mountain Equipment Co-Op to pick up a sling shoulder bag for geocaching.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Test Day
Waited around for 2 hours and then had an appointment with Karen but she was home sick. Loved the resident who saw me. He had talked to her on the phone before coming in to see me. There was something showing on the bone scan in my lower back but they think it is arthritis, not mets to the bone.
The bloodwork for CA-125 wasn't back yet so we talked about me doing it a few days earlier than the meeting with the doctor so this won't happen again. My markers seem to be rising but the test at the outside lab a few weeks ago wasn't exactly comparable. It showed I had gone to 51 - 45 is the danger point. Today's test should show if that is true and I'll have it in a couple of days

I still haven't had the CT-Scan but am sitting on a waiting list. The doctor will push for that soon and also wants a test of the mineral density of my bones.
He thinks the pain in my butt could be connected to the arthritis in the lower back. I am to go to my GP for a complete checkup and comprehensive bloodwork.
The appointment was better than I feared after talking to the resident a couple of weeks ago. It is amazing how a doctor's attitude can colour the message.
VESTA's AGM was at Chapel Arts - Vancouver's newest and most unique venue/gallery found in the notorious downtown east side at 304 Dunlevy. A beautiful Art Deco building but parking was an adventure. Was in the lot next to the Patricia Hotel surrounded by prostitutes. I smiled and they were all friendly but at the lower end of the spectrum. Quite sad, not scary. The machine wouldn't take my credit card so I called the DPS number on the sign and they took my licence number and the parking was free.
It was a good meeting and it was nice to see so many old friends. There were over a dozen lifetime members present and we added Barb & Jane to our ranks. The food was great. Two men were at a sushi bar making sushi to order - I had avocado & celery.
Took Barbara to the skytrain & met Barb, Susan, Maureen, Jane, Heather and Margaret at Death by Chocolate for dessert.
Dropped off Jesse's birthday present and home by 10 - a long day!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Queen Victoria Day
Sore back
Met Moira for dinner at Applause but hurt too much to do the planned grocery shopping. I'm fine if I sit still. I have heat on it right now. Hopefully it will just disappear tomorrow and I can get back to geocaching!
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Dinner with Chris
Took books back to new Kensington Library at Knight and Kingsway. Great collection of statues outside.
Spent afternoon geocaching in Richmond. One was on the grounds of the school I went to in the early 1960's! Last one was a walk of 1.3 km. I am now up to 150. Have given away the Kiwi & fish so now need a new geocoin to play with.
Had dinner at Chris's and we played 3 Scrabble games. He beat me!
Was going to shop on the way home but was too tired. My ankles and back are cranky tonight.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Point Roberts
Drove to Point Roberts. There was about a 20 minute wait. Found 2 geocaches - one with the mirror. One was at the western end of the US/Canadian border and found "Marker No. 1, a 20-foot-high obelisk erected to commemorate the establishment of the 49th parallel as the border between the United States and Canada." The mirror helped me find the next cache and I retrieved The travelling Kiwi who started its journey in Germany. In the next I found a Digitalfish who spawned in California. I'd never seen one of these and will pass both on as soon as I find caches big enough. So many are just large enough for a paper to sign.
Decided to return home early enough to miss the tunnel traffic and failed! Took River Road to the Alex Fraser Bridge and it was better. With a clue from Lori, I returned to a cache in Burnaby and found it quickly. The nearby store, rewarded me with a T-shirt. They sell anything you would need for your Garmin.
Home in time to watch Kelowna kick butt!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Amost 1st
Tried for a 1st find today but someone was at the geocache at 5:45 this morning - 2nd is still good. Also found a new one in Richmond. I was 3rd at this one and Lori had been there in the morning. I left a geocoin.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Home for a rest and to read the papers.
Picked up Mae and we parked at Connie's in Yaletown. Connie was taking me for dinner and a show for my birthday. I think this is the last of my celebrations. Walked to the Hurricane Grill on Marinaside Crescent for dinner - I had the Grill Salad (6OZ N.Y. steak on grilled vegetables, spring mix, together with a balsamic reduction) and shared a piece of Key Lime Cheesecake. Definitely a place to return to.
We took a cab to the Orpheum and met Andy to see Diana Krall with the VSO. A truly amazing concert. It was the perfect venue. We sat dead centre in the upper balcony and could see everything. Her musicians were outstanding and her music worked with the orchestra behind her. It was like watching a singer from the 50's. What a sexy voice she has (See video of Quiet Nights).
The only problem was the jerk in front of us. The balding grey-haired man was with a young blonde who I at first thought might be his daughter. I quickly changed my mind when they kept snuggling. Andy couldn't see through them, so she sat on her coat to get higher. They never stopped talking! When they got up and walked out about half way through, we thought they might be rushing to a nearby hotel. No such luck and they returned after a couple of songs.
I finally snapped and told them to "Shut the fuck up" - it just burst out! The man jumped to his feet, swore back at me and said something that I couldn't understand but from his gestures, I think he wanted to fight me out in the alley. I told him to shut up and I think he realized that everyone was looking at him so he sat down. The two of them sat up straight and didn't talk during the second half of the concert. The women behind me were laughing at the end of the concert and thanked me.
I had the aisle seat so my knees didn't hurt until near the end. I do have a lot of aches and pains from yesterday's fall. Dumb, dumb, dumb - but maybe not as dumb as Mae falling off Evan's skateboard.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Liberals win
I went out this morning to vote at the Scottish Hall and was the only one there!
Carried on geocaching on the west side. Fell at Almond Park and won't try finding that one alone again. Made it to 140 and stopped.
Next year
Poor old Canuckleheads! If only they had been scoring that many goals in the earlier games.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Another day in Delta
Spent the rest of my birthday Chapters gift cards online. Nice cache of books coming!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Trekking in the sunshine
At 12:30 decided to drop reading the newspapers and headed out geocaching. Found a couple in Richmond and 6 more along River Road in Delta - 131.
Got to my post office in the drug store at 57th & Cambie just at 5:00 and they were already closed. Now I can't pick up my package (?) until Monday. I hate going to this outlet - the parking sucks and it is closed too early. It was much nicer in the 7-11.
Picked up my reserves at the library and then home to watch the Canucks blow it. Back to how they played last year - penalties in the last 5 minutes.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Geocaching in Delta
My netbook battery died after lunch - I forgot about it and hadn't turned it off all morning. That meant an end to my day. I took Lori's advice and went to Radio Shack for a Nexxtech Mobile Power Inverter that will plug in the lighter.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Canucks still alive
The Canucks almost had 2 in a row. Gave it away with a couple of minutes left. Must work on those mental lapses. Of course this means a Monday game and I'll be out for dinner. Will have to tape it
Rainy night
Went shopping at 7 tonight. Couldn't decide what to cook so picked up a barbecued chicken. Was out of milk, et. Safeway is empty at night.
My right hand is still aching but my neck has been good.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Canucks Ahead
Did some laundry and then settled in to start watching several videos - I had to tape a lot last week because of the birthday events and hockey games.
Thoroughly enjoyed watching the Canucks playing like they were in the last series.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Bone Scan
The scan was at 11:15 and it was much easier than the last 2 when it hurt too much to lie still for 1/2 an hour.
Had to stop at Staples and Mountain Equipment Co-Op on the way home and was glad they had bathrooms. Bought a telescoping walking stick that my physio suggested for travelling and following Lori's advice, a pair of trekking poles for those geocaches that need a bit of walking to find. I'll not use them until my physio checks that I've chosen well.
Home for a rest and then met Louise, Wanda & Gwen at Primo's. The food and service was good but it is expensive even with my Entertainment coupon.
Stopped at Pru's for a while to say goodbye to Patience (sob) and watch some Houston basketball with her. Pru talked to Gail and it turns out they decided not to come Saturday and aren't lying dead in a ditch!
My neck is pretty good but my sprained right hand is a bother.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Perfect Sunday
Went to Chris's at 1:00 and had lunch with him, Patrick & Patience. We watched some hockey and all of us dozed.
Chris & I played Scrabble and then Patience woke up for a couple of games. Pru came for dinner and we played several more games.
Very weird that Tim and Gail were coming for birthday celebrations on Saturday and we haven't heard a word from them.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Picked up beer and groceries for Pru and arrived there at 4:00. We were celebrating Chris & Patrick's birthdays. Patience and Pru did a wonderful dinner and Chris brought over a scrumptious turkey that he cooked at home. Also present were David, Jesse, Matt, Andrea, Sadie & Lily. Katherine and John called from Australia. Tim and Gail were expected but didn't come.
We ended the day be releasing a couple of balloons and watched them soar away into the clouds.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Summer heat
We then found a couple at Queensborough Landing - had to have cones at the Marble Slab Creamery after finding a geocache behind it.
Did some shopping on the way home. Found a bag for my netbook at Staples.
Just settled in to read the papers when Pru called to invite me for dinner. Patience was cooking pot roast.
Bought groceries at Oakridge on the way home. Busier than I expected for 9 pm.