Saturday, April 4, 2009

Spring is really here

This was going to be a "let's not even get dressed day" but Moira called and I had to shower and dress to have dinner with her. Applause was full so we went to the White Spot and ate too much.

I missed the last 2 minutes of Bones on my taping this week. Was delighted to
find the whole episode on the GlobalTV site.

Wendy Ladner-Beaudry was found murdered in Pacific Spirit Park yesterday. We were geocaching across the street at Musqueam Park a couple of times in the last 2 weeks. Once I stumbled on someone's camp. I didn't get too close and we didn't see anyone who might have been using it. Might not go after those other caches hidden in the Endownment Lands for a while, at least not alone.

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