Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Woke up to snow. It was beautiful - I missed all the snow earlier. Checked with Pru about driving and decided to drive my car to the Cancer Agency. By the time I went down to it, the snow had changed to drizzle. I had to clean several inches off the windows.

The lab was really busy but I had my Obama book, The Audacity of Hope, to entertain me. The nurse found a vein with no trouble. Ate a sandwich in the restaurant and sat in the lobby reading until my appointment with Karen.

My bloodwork wasn't back so she'll call with the numbers. We agreed to do no tests unless it shows a change in the tumour markers. My aches and pains are probably arthritis and the car accident. She suggested that the swollen foot might be a result of the compromised lymph system - the node that they cut out was at the top of the right leg. I'll try wearing support stockings the next time I fly.

The snow was gone when I came out so I went to have my glasses adjusted. They were still crooked after the car accident. The somehow went from my face to the floor.

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