Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Mineral Springs

Met Louise at Brown's "House of Mystery" on Hastings where she is selling books left from Women in Print. We went for lattes and then I bought a few books.

It was such a warm day (and I bought a book on Harrison) I decided to go on to Harrison Hot Springs for a swim (in the public pool). Had a patty melt (done the right way with lots of onions and dark rye bread) at Bobby Sox 50's Diner in Maple Ridge.

Tried to find a cache after my swim but the new GPS is broken. Hope I have better luck returning things to Circuit City than Patience! Went to Farm House Natural Cheeses and Limbert Mountain Farm before stopping at the Chilliwack Airport Coffee Shop for salad & pie.

Bought Jubilee sweet corn at Yellow Barn Country Produce and took 1/2 a dozen to Pru before going home.

Designed a blog for DEAR (Drop Everything and Read) tonight for teachers who want to take part but can't access the Facebook page at school.

The British Columbia Teacher-librarians’ Association has dropped the gauntlet. We are challenging the Premier, members of the legislature, and people across BC to “Drop Everything and Read” for 20 minutes on National School Library Day -- Monday, October 27.

Teacher-librarians strongly support Premier Campbell’s goal of making BC the most literate province in Canada and know the impact that good modeling has on children. Seeing our provincial leaders put aside business for a few minutes to let pleasure reading be their priority will send a powerful message to students and families.

Please join this group, invite your friends, organize your workplace to participate, contact your local media, and generally create a buzz about reading in BC. After the event, post your comments and pictures to this page.

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