Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Disaster Drill

Went to the Red Cross at Lake City for a disaster drill today. This is Emergency Preparedness Week in B.C. If you need to update your plans, visit the PEP web site.

I supervised the Telus Red Cross Call Centre (thank you Telus for your generosity!). It took a bit of time for us to remember how to do everything, but it all came back.

Using the TELUS CallCentreAnywhere is so much better than the old way we managed disasters - we don't "borrow" phones from desks, but use laptops & headsets to manage all the calls.

The Red Cross staff gave me presents and hugs to welcome me back - I guess that means I'm committed to keep volunteering! I was there from 13:30 to 20:20 and was still standing at the end. My stamina is almost normal.

Robbin, a fellow supervisor, took me out for dinner at the Cactus Club and we polished off big plates of Jack Daniels' Ribs, yam fries and asparagus!

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