Saturday, May 31, 2008
Small job day
Moira picked up another fan at COSTCO for Pru and I delivered it (and put it together). Borrowed some books on tape at Oakridge library and found that there was a book waiting at Marpole. Picked it up and then went to Safeway & VanCity.
All in all, a productive day!
Friday, May 30, 2008
Didn't get the manual for my new car radio so I went back to Best Buy. They had a file of the ones left behind and mine was there! Bought a Seville UltraSlimline fan at COSTCO ($35) for the living room yesterday liked it so much that I went back today for another one for the bedroom.
The panel will explore the definition of sexual exploitation.
The 2008 AGM passed recommendation 24, the stem of which states, "That the BCTF oppose any move toward normalization of sexual exploitation." In order to actualize the procedures that follow the stem, it is necessary to have an agreed upon definition of sexual exploitation. Thus, the Status of Women Action Group is presenting the following panel:
Is Prostitution Sexual Exploitation? Panel members include Patricia Baptie, winner of the Courage to Come Back award; Dr. Janine Benedet, UBC Faculty of Law; Daisy Kler, Rape Relief and Women’s Shelter; Esther Shannon, FIRST

Thursday, May 29, 2008
Lily's big day
Took my bags of clothes to Triage. I like donating to a place that gives it right to those who need it most and doesn't send their donations to Value Village.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Cleaning day
Did 2 loads of laundry and then took all the clothes out of the bedroom closet and everything on the shelf and floor. After putting back what I decided to keep, I have 6 bags to take to Triage Shelter tomorrow. No need to buy hangers now!
Can't believe the Mariners, Jays and Penguins all won tonight. Sid the Kid came through!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Stopped at the library for 2 more books and then picked up Louise to go to a talk at VPL. She reminded me about the free parking spaces that appear at 6 pm and someone pulled out just as I turned the corner. We then had liver and onions at Rosie's on Robson.
The talk was brilliant.
Michael Kluckner, author of Vancouver Remembered, will discuss the influence of Len Norris on his work, especially the way in which Norris imaginatively, yet realistically, depicted the geography of the city and the province. The talk will tie together Norris's cartoon collections, the work of other cartoonists, such as Al Beaton who drew for the Province in the 1950s, and the work of Kluckner himself.
Vancouver Remembered won the 2007 City of Vancouver Book Award and he was invited to come from Australia to be honoured at the Vancouver Arts Awards on May 26th. Ten days before he came, they told him that the ceremony was postponed until late June and asked if he would still make it. Another reason to get rid of Citizen Sam!!!
I took a couple of book for Michael to sign and then realized I probably have a couple of his older ones when I saw the display of his work.
I also have this hanging in my wall, straight from the Burrard Street bridge.
The Simon Fraser University Library Editorial Cartoons Collection contains over 5000 original drawings by Len Norris, Roy Peterson, Graham Harrop, Bob Krieger, Dan Murphy, Bob Bierman, Ingrid Rice, and Edd Uluschak published in Canadian newspapers between 1952 and the present if you want more.
I forgot to take my pills last night until 11:30 and again tonight (9:30)! I was doing so well until now. I have to get better at this.
Monday, May 26, 2008
A new week
Tried Geocaching this morning. I couldn't find the cache and did feel a bit conspicuous looking in the bushes when kids were in the Weir playground across the street.
I did find an uncovered sewer pipe. Someone had pulled off the grate and the hole was huge - anyone running through the bushes wouldn't have seen it in time. I hope it wasn't someone looking for the cache. The school phoned the city. I'll try another cache closer to home.

I went into school for the lunch break and had a nice visit.
Home for a couple of hours and then to the VESTA Status of Women Committee. Two issues we talked about were:
- “Unborn Victims of Crime Act” (Bill C-484) and
- We Can campaign
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Stayed in and read all day. Still plowing through The Bin Ladens: An Arabian family in the American century. I should finish it tomorrow and start the other books that arrived from VPL reserves. I have to concentrate - there are 2 more waiting to be picked up.
I was so tired that I just stopped for groceries and then headed home and stayed there!
Finished Captive by retired Vancouver principal Donalda Reid about her kidnapping in Africa. She is a vivid storyteller and I couldn't put it down. Gutsy woman who kept her wits about her. Definition of a good principal?
Friday, May 23, 2008
Indiana Jones
Really enjoyed Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - a true Hollywood B movie!
Came home to find a beautiful bouquet from Nancy and Tony.
Had dinner at the White Spot with Moira.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
St. Paul's
I met her there, after spending 1/2 an hour trying to find parking as the lot was full. I finally found a spot on Thurlow, south of Davie. I went out to feed the meter at noon. At 2 I drove the circle route (Davie, Denman, Robson, Burrard) to get to the parking lot and found a spot. The one way and short streets make shortcuts impossible. Stopped for a crepe on Robson.
I took Sharron home at 4:30. She'll go back for a stress test tomorrow. Just trying to steal some of the attention away from me!
My oncologist called to say my tumour markers have dropped even further!
CA: 15-3: 310 to 150 to 53
CEA: 39 to 21 to 8.7
I love the new radio. The manual was missing so I printed one off the Sony web site. I found that the cover plate comes off to prevent theft. I experimented a bit. It found all the songs on my memory stick even though they were hidden in folders. The iPod sounds like a big stereo system. Now I want the price of gas to drop so I can drive more!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
New Radio

Improvement since the previous study of 18 March 2008. Retrocrural and para-aortic adenopathy has decreased as well as porto-caval adenopathy. Adrenal thickening has essentially resolved. There may be minor residual thickening at the inferior aspect of the right adrenal gland.
I don't think I could have asked for better results. I am now waiting for my 3rd round of drugs to be ready to pick up.
Pin Cushion
I am now at the BC Cancer Agency and am waiting to see my oncologist. I was here at 9:30 for blood tests. A student tried and failed to find a vein and called on another technician to help. She put a butterfly in and the student drew 2 1/2 vials before it stopped. Another woman came and was able to find a better vein and they drew several more vials. I feel like I am the 18th century and they are bleeding me.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Had a much needed haircut and then rented 1st Indiana Jones movie: Raiders of the Lost Ark.
Was invited to Vancouver Elementary School Teachers' Association AGM along with other Life Time Members. Christina and Anastasia were inducted into our group. Instead of snacks there was enough food for it to be dinner, complete with wine.
Returned movie & rented the Last Crusade. One more to go before Thursday!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Victoria Day
My cousin Larry called to tell me that my Aunt Mary died this morning. She was the wife of my dad's brother, Ronald Hamilton. Mary was a special person in my life. I stayed on the family farm with her a few times and always felt like she was treating me as one of her own. The "normal" mother I never had.
I started updating my genealogy program at about 11:00 and kept at it until 7:00. Worked on Mary's family and found more on Janet & Daphne's. I found it quite cathartic doing this research and listening to music.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Jesse's Birthday
Listened to music all day and plowed through The Bin Ladens. I have now reached Osama's youth.
Picked up Pru and we met John and Jesse at The Fish House. Jesse turned 21 today, the last to become an adult.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Red Cross
I did several orientations for agents who want to become supervisors. What a good group of volunteers came in today. Always a plus to have so many who can speak Mandarin and Cantonese. I can't get beyond Gung Hay Fat Choy!
Mae took me to Shaughnessy Restaurant in the VanDusen Botanical Garden for my birthday - I sure know how to stretch that celebration out. My meal was amazing: Rosemary Grilled Australian Lamb Chops cucumber & mint salsa, Yukon gold potato & asiago gallette and a glass of Pinot Blanc Blue Mountain (Apricot and pear are complemented by butterscotch on the nose and palate. A full mouth feel leads into a long, spicy finish).
Friday, May 16, 2008
Prince Caspian
Picked up a couple of books at the library and a prescription at Safeway.
Signed up for some shifts at the Red Cross for fundraising effort to help Burma and China.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Birds in my tree
I am sure everyone will be shocked to know that Clifford Olson had a MySpace page celebrating being a serial killer.
How can a man in prison be allowed unfettered access to the Internet so he can torture the families of his victims?
I was quicker with my camera and caught a Western Tanager. Several visited my big tree.
Also an American Redstart?
Found a quote that fits me quite well right now.
Destiny has always been suspicious of notation. Destiny has never taken kindly to anyone that has kept a written record of its intentions.
Jane Urquhart in A Map of Glass
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
CT Scan
Out again for my CT Scan at the Cancer Agency. Forgot I wasn't supposed to have carbonated drinks yesterday & had a Gin & Tonic but they said one didn't matter. I have these tests planned out - show up with t-shirt & sweats and you don't have to bother changing.
Stopped at Oakridge & then home to watch Canada vs Norway. Slept through the 3rd period and 5 goals!
Picked up a couple of reserves at the library:
- Captive : a survival story by Donalda Reid, a retired Vancouver principal
- The Bin Ladens : an Arabian family in the American century by Steve Coll
Attended a computer workshop at Kerrisdale. Michelle makes everything look so easy! A big difference from my new AV package in the 1970's (record player, reel-to-reel tape recorder, cassette tape recorder, Super 8 projector, filmstrip/slide projector, slide viewer, overhead projector) and her Smart Board.
Stopped at the White Spot as I was too tired to even think about cooking.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
My letter was published in today's Province. The parts in italics were edited out - probably for the better, although I liked using the word havoc.
I drove past the Greater Vancouver Zoo today and was reminded why I will never enter it again. The last time was many years ago, and I was upset by the living conditions of the specimens. Then there were the incidents with the elephant and hippo - charges should have been
followed up on in both these cases.
Now, a monkey has been stolen and its mate beaten to death. They must have raised quite a racket, but apparently there was no one to hear. Were all those animals left unattended through the night?
Now that this is obviously the case, how many other thugs will break in to wreak havoc?
Today I saw a Western Tanager outside my window but couldn't get my camera fast enough.
Tonight I wrote letters to Stockwell Day, the Prime Minister, Wally Oppal, the Premier and the Sun, Province & Courier. I find it outrageous that Clifford Olson is allowed to have a MySpace page that celebrates being a serial killer. He has even posted photos taken inside prison. How is he allowed unfettered access to the internet? Why is he able to torture the families of his victims? Where is the justice?
Monday, May 12, 2008
Field Trip
We travelled by bus and skytrain, getting off at the Burrard Street Station. After stopping in the HSBC Building to look at Alan Story's "Broken Column" Pendulum. They were impressed but were also excited by the revolving door into the bank. The kids then ate their lunch on the steps of the VAG.
The show was interesting - Canadian Women Modernists: The Dialogue with Emily Carr and the docents were efficient and talented. After studying a couple of galleries everyone painted a picture.
We arrived back at school just after 3:00. Joined a group in the staff room for afternoon tea.
Then to Ikea and Staples in Richmond for a few things. I arrived back home knackered.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
It started when I read the teacher's guide for tomorrow's field trip to the Vancouver Art Gallery. The curator of the show we are going to is named Thom (like cousins Daphne & Janet). My interest was peaked and I did a little research. I found nothing on Ian Thom, but did find a family history! They lived in Russell, Manitoba - 40 km from my Dad's town of Rossburn. Our families must have interacted!
I did more research on various genealogy sites and suddenly it was 5 pm.
Off to Boundary Bay Regional Park and a walk along the dunes. My new camera bag worked a treat.
Picked Moira up at the ferry at 6:30 and we had scrumptious Hickory Smoked Bacon and Amorosa Tomato Pizzas at the White Spot.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Paper, paper, everywhere
Worked my way through the piles of papers on my desk and actually dealt with most of them. I even some receipts for last year's extended health rebate. I'll do those tomorrow. Even scanned the stash of important receipts and added them to the record in my Quicken program (e.g., camera, lenses, flash...). This means that I don't have to worry about finding the receipt or about fading (especially Future Shop).
I am now sitting with a new library book (Beyond the Body Farm) and a cup of lavender tea made with my new brewer - it actually works well.
Friday, May 9, 2008
Friday Drive
Started in the Farmgate Shop at Vista D’oro Farms in South Langley. Bought gas for $1.249 in Aldergrove and then headed for Fort Langley. Did some wine tasting at The Fort Wine Co. and bought some wine and stuff.
Thought I should eat after tasting, so I stopped at The Village Coffee & Tea Co. and had some tea and an apple/cinnamon scone. Bought a Smart Tea Maker after using one for my cup of Earl Grey Cream.
My GPS helped me find A Bread Affair (organic artisan breads) in Langley. Bought some Chiabatta.
Spent too much at Linens 'n Things at Big Bend Crossing. I am starting to shop more at this new shopping centre. It is close to home and has great parking.
Picked up Mae and we went to Relaxation at the Cancer Agency.
Bought some asparagus and bacon at Granville Island then went to my favourite camera store, Lens & Shutter. Picked up a Speedlite 430EX flash for my camera and a Tamrac Velocity 7x - Photo Sling Pack. The bag I bought with the camera is a good one for storing everything or for just going somewhere specific. The new one is for walking around. You swivel it around to the front when you want the camera.
I finished the day at Safeway for food & prescription. (And the liquor store for some Bombay gin.)
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
New Health Legislation threatens Medicare as we know it, unless we act now and send a message to Health Minister George Abbot telling him to Kill Bill 21!
Went to Kidsbooks (Vancouver AND Surrey) for a couple of presents and then Ironwood Plaza.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Disaster Drill
I supervised the Telus Red Cross Call Centre (thank you Telus for your generosity!). It took a bit of time for us to remember how to do everything, but it all came back.
Using the TELUS CallCentreAnywhere™ is so much better than the old way we managed disasters - we don't "borrow" phones from desks, but use laptops & headsets to manage all the calls.
The Red Cross staff gave me presents and hugs to welcome me back - I guess that means I'm committed to keep volunteering! I was there from 13:30 to 20:20 and was still standing at the end. My stamina is almost normal.
Robbin, a fellow supervisor, took me out for dinner at the Cactus Club and we polished off big plates of Jack Daniels' Ribs, yam fries and asparagus!
Monday, May 5, 2008
A Warm Monday
A short shopping trip turned into 5 hours. Water at COSTCO on Grandview. It is moving to Burnaby soon.
Stopped at VESTA to fill out form for Status of Women and visited for a while.
Took some fair trade coffee I got at the Sunday market to Andrea and got to play with the girls.
Finished my shopping at Oakridge.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Steveston Market
Scrabulous had been adding so many games when you try starting a new one that I am now playing 38! The diehards kept at it until 2 AM last night.
Today I went to the first Steveston Farmers and Artisans Market at the Gulf of Georgia Cannery Historical Site Parking Lot. It was pretty good but many were sold out by the time I got there (3 PM), especially the bakers. I had been hoping for some fresh bread.
Went to Landsdowne Mall and actually found a few things I was looking for.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Quiet day
My arthritis is acting up so didn't even get dressed. Started taking the Glucosomine/Chondroitin/MSM pills again.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
La Conner
Lunch was Chuckanut Manor Restaurant B & B where I always have the Dungeness Crab & Shrimp Louis. This is one of the most beautiful spots along the coast for lunch, sitting on the edge of Samish Bay.
The tulip fields were mostly ploughed under in La Conner. There were only a few show fields left. I wandered through the shops and bought a couple of Mountain t-shirts.
I drove across to Harry & David in Burlington to replenish my supply of relish, horseradish dip & pancake mix. Then to Costco for gas ($3.56/gallon or about $1.04/litre) and Best Buy for a Garmin Nuvi Friction Mount & a case for my GPS.
Then to Sedro Woolley & meandered up Hwy 9 to Bellis Fair and walked around in the mall. Bought a couple of small things then had dinner at Ivor's.
Visited Jane in White Rock and then home.
Drove about 310 km with an average speed of 61 km/hr. Love the GPS. I often disagreed with routes it wanted me to take but it was great for finding specific places.
I ended up with an extra pill at dinner so must have taken the wrong number at breakfast! Duh!