We sat in the pools for over an hour in the midst of a blizzard. It was a "winter wonderland". At times the hills were obscured by mist and snow.
Harrison took $10 off my bill for the food that was frozen in my little bar fridge. I was able to delay check-out until noon so enjoyed the morning.
Went back to The Farm House to replace the frozen cheese. Using my Circle Farm Tour pamphlet for Agassiz-Harrison Mills, I found Limbert Mountain Farm (Organically Grown Herbs & Specialty Foods). I bought several things. Then to Canadian Hazelnut.
I missed the turn for Tulips of the Valley so continued to Hope, enjoying the amazing snow covered mountains along the way. Apparently the tulips will be much better next week.
Had to stop at the Chilliwack airport for lunch at about 2:00 so will just have a bagel for dinner tonight.
Home by 5:00. Driving was fine. No more snow and just intermittent rain. I am stiff but should sleep that off.
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