Monday, June 30, 2014

Deep sleep

I've really been sleeping lately.  Didn't wake up until after 9 this morning and missed the first 10 minutes of the soccer game.  Waited until half time to shower.

Went out between games to find a cache inRichmond.  Luckily, mrgullible rode up and joined me.  He found it right away.  Grabbed a taco salad on the way home.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Found one

Really hard to get up this morning. I slept well but just wanted more.  Unfortunately the first soccer game was at 8:45.   I went out before the 12:45 game.  Found an easy cache on Sea Island.  Hope to try for at least one every time I go out.  Picked up groceries and a prescription at Safeway.

Day of games

Watched two World Cup games and picked the winners in both.  Sent messages to Andrea to keep her up with the Brazil game.  They are camping on the Island.  The Brazil game went into overtime and shoot outs before they won.  This took away the time allocated for grocery shopping between games.

Unfortunately, the Lions and Whitecaps lost their games.

Feeling pretty good today, just tired.  Fell asleep for a while.

Friday, June 27, 2014

End of my trial

Started out at the Cancer Agency for bloodwork at 8:30.  They drew 10 vials!   Had a great breakfast of Eggs Benedict at the Sunshine Diner.

My appointment with Karen was 10:45.  Good thing I paid for 2 hours of parking.  I saw the trials nurse, a resident and then Karen.  I've been booted from the clinical trial as it isn't working.   The CT Scan showed the tumours are growing.  There are some new ones around my kidneys and on the wall of my abdomen.  The lumps on my abdomen and back haven't gone down.  Funny thing is they didn't mention the big one on my leg that was radiated.  No sign of it?   

Karen finally decided to give me a break from trials.  I'm not sick enough for heavy duty chemo. She wants to save that for when it moves into an organ.  We're going to try Tamoxifen again.  I took it for 5 years in 1993 and again for the metastatic cancer.  It worked for a while, so maybe it will again.   

A daily pill is going to make life a lot easier.  I can eat grapefruit again and go to my metastatic group next Wednesday.   Still a disappointment.  

Had to wait 45 minutes at the Agency for my pills.  Sat in the loung with a cup of tea and my Kobo.  Parking cost $28.50 for all my stops.  

Rainy night

It's raining but it was a nice day.  In between soccer matches I went to Richmond.  Got strawberries, OK cherries, fresh peas...   Picked up halibut and chips at Pajo's and was home in time for the next games.  Found it confusing to be cheering for the white team on TV and against them on the iPad.  My brain isn't that agile any more.

Still feeling pretty good.  Can't be too far from a bathroom but think that is from the pills I was on last week.  Dr. tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Early day

Had to get up at 7:00 to start drinking water for my 8:00 CT Scan.  It went smoothly as always.  Picked up breakfast at MacDonald's and went home to watch soccer.  I only missed 5 minutes and they had scored twice.  First time teams had a cored 2 goals in under 5 minutes in World Cup history.  Watched the 4 games (iPad and TV) and then the Whitecaps ((boring draw).  

Leg is feeling better.  I'm using an antibiotic cream on the hole and Polysporin on the burn.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Nothing but soccer

Really wanted to stay in bed sleeping, but got up for the soccer.  Took care of most of the day

My leg still hurts sometimes, but is getting better.  Sitting and reading seems the best for it.  Working my way through a lime pie that Patience made for me.  Perfect - TV, good book and pie.  

Monday, June 23, 2014

Wound care

Went to the radiation unit at rage Cancer Agency this morning.  A nurse who takes care of wounds took a look at my leg.  She showed me how to care for it and gave me some supplies.  She thinks the purple is burning from the radiation.  It's starting to peel which means the skin is healing.

Arranged to meet Mae in the cafeteria at 11:30.  Connie and the twins came in with her.  Darline joined us a while later and Ann Anthony stopped to see us.  It was like a reunion.

Stopped at London Drugs on the way home.  Made it home just as the next soccer games started.  They are playing two at the same time this week to help stop cheating.  I watched one on TV and the other on my iPad (CBC FIFA app).  Dozed off after it ended.

Went to Pru's tonight.  Patience goes back to Texas tomorrow.  Bunch of the kids were there.  Prank some wine and had pizza for dinner.  So tired I didn't stay long.  Left them playing a rummy game.   Dropped Kathryn off at the Canada Line.


Stong's delivered groceries this morning.  Worth every penny to have someone carry the heavy stuff.  Then Chris brought up my laundry.

Went to Pru's and she drove us to Chris's for dinner.  Patience's visit is far too short.

Saturday, June 21, 2014


Beautiful first day of summer.  I did venture out to get a prescription at Safeway.  The entrance off 70th was blocked by construction and Granville was a parking lot, so I gave up.  Bought lunch at MacDonald's and went back to watching soccer.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Last day of Spring

Had a much better day.  Lori picked me up at 10 and we found several caches in Vancouver.  Stopped at VGH for appt and then had bento box for lunch.  Couple of more caches on the way home.   It was partly cloudy, but warm in the sun.

As long as I sat still, my leg didn't hurt.  Finished the pills today but will pick up another tube of cream tomorrow.  It still hurts to walk and looks gross.  I felt better and enjoyed lunch. Even my hayfever medication (Avamys) is starting to work.  Need more days like this.

Thursday, June 19, 2014


Still really tired today and my leg hurt a lot this morning.

Met Pru and Patience for a good lunch at The Fish Counter on Main.  Went straight home and dozed for a bit.

My VISA was switched from CIBC to TD as they took over Aerogold.  Got my online access set up and changed most of my automatic payments (I keep a list).  Pleased that the balance owing was transferred and was able to pay it from my VanCity account.  Bought gas so I know I did everything right.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


Watched 4 games today - 3 World Cup and 1 Canadian women vs Germany.

Felt out of it all day.  Dozed a lot.


My chemo was at 9:30 this morning.  I'm getting to know other taking the Reolysin   Was finished by 11:00.  Went to Granville Island for a few groceries and was home in time for the Brazil game.

Started shivering around 2:00 for a couple of hours.  Threw up a bit.   My leg is pretty sore.  Dozed a lot.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Long day

My Freemason driver showed up at 8:15.  In 5 minutes I did my teeth, finished dressing, grabbed my go bag and was on the way down the stairs.  He got me to the Agency in plenty of time for my bloodwork.

Had a scone in the cafeteria for breakfast.  Spent the next couple of hours in a lounge chair in the 6th floor lounge, reading and drinking tea.  There is wifi but not good enough to watch the World Cup on my iPad.

My nurse was worried about treating me after looking at my leg.  The trials nurse came to look and thought it looked a bit better and said to go ahead.  Karen emailed her agreement amend we finally started at noon.  After a bit, two of us were moved to another room and nurse.  Juggling those of us needing some isolation (bathrooms that need cleaning) is hard.  I also need to be watched while getting the Taxol.  Did well again today.  Slowly building up the dose is keeping the allergic reaction at bay.  Slept a lot because of the Benedryl.  Went through 4 hot blankets and a couple more cups of tea.  Finally finished at 4, but my driver didn't get me home until 5:30.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Family dinner

Went to John's at 2:00 this afternoon.  By my count, there were 24 of us, including 6 fathers.  Even Matt and Andrea came with Sadie and Lili.  Haven't seen some of the family for quite a while.   Had 2 helpings of BBQ ribs.  Showed my leg to Elaine and Patience and they were suitably impressed.  It' still hurting today.

Left when I was just too tired to stay and was home by 6:30.  Was going to stop at Safeway but changed my mind.  Felt good to curl up in my chair.

Saturday, June 14, 2014


Enjoying watching the World Cup in Brazil.  The CBC app tells me everything I need to know.  Went out between games for a taco salad and a latte for my lunch.

My leg still looks scary and is sore, so I'm trying to keep pretty still.  Trying to figure out how to take the pills every 6 hours.  It should work out to 4/day but, if I get up at 8, that means 2, 8 and 2.   I'll try waking up at 2 tonight.  I have to take them with a big glass of water and can't lie down for 10 minutes.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Friday 13th plus a Full Moon = ?

My doctor doesn't work at Seymour Clinic on Fridays, so I went to their walk-in.  Took 1 1/2 hours to see a doctor for a couple of minutes to get something for my hayfever.  I always have a my Kobo!

Met Patience and Oru for lunch at the White Spot.  Always love it when Patience comes home from Texas and it also means I see more of Pru as she takes time off work.

I was home by 2:00, tired and ready for soccer, Lions and Stanley Cup.  I was on the phone when I realized there was a big area of dark purple at the top of my leg and partway down - about the size of a tennis ball.  The wound had been draining more and it hurt a bit to walk.  I immediately called my trials nurse.  She found Karen in a meeting and they had me meet them at the Cancer Agency.  Karen took a look and thinks it's an infection.   They took two swabs and ordered an antibiotic cream and some pills.

Went to the Safeway and had to wait another 1 1/2.  Was really wiped by then, but they have a comfortable waiting room.  I settled in with my Kobo after getting a few groceries.

Finally got home at 6:00.  So much for a quiet day.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Stanley Park caching

Lori picked me up at 10:30 and we headed back to Stanley Park.  At one point, she left me at the Teahouse parking lot and headed into the forest on her bike.  We had fish and chips at Prospect Point. Got a few in the West End before heading home.

Was a bit tired but felt pretty good.  My leg is seapimg again but that big tumou has sure shrunk.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Pretty good day

This Wednesday was much better than it usually is.  Felt pretty good this morning and ate with no problem.  Didn't have the flu symptoms at all.  Still bothered by sinuses/allergy.  

Still didn't push it and read all day.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Shootout in Vancouver

Ironic that I started my day watching the funeral of the 3 slain Moncton RCMP members and ended up watching the aftermath of a shootout in Yaletown and Science World.  Connie was late getting out with her twins and heard the shots below her Yaletown building.  She should have been right there.  I wore a red top and an RCMP ball cap today.

My appointment for the Reolysin was 10:20.  Easy hour.  Stopped at Safeway for groceries and some Advil sinus medicine.  My renewal for Nasonex has expired so I have to fit in a doctor's visit.

Got a bit cold, but didn't have any shivering today.  Even ate dinner and did the dishes.  The big tumour on my leg is definitely smaller.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Dopey day

My Freemason drivers was really early which was good because I gave the wrong time.  Were early for the right time.  Got my bloodwork done by 8 and had a scone in the cafeteria.  Read newspapers on my iPad while I waited for chemo at 11.  Things went well and I had no reaction to the Taxol. I'm so doped up with Benedryl that I sleep through a lot of it.  It also stopped my allergies.  I'm coughing and blowing my nose a lot.  It's picked up again, now the drugs have worn off.

I was home by 3:30 and dozed a lot.  First thing was a late lunch.  The cafeteria at BCCA used to be much better.  They close at 2, so I missed it by 20 minutes.  They don't start making stuff until 11:30, so no early lunch.  It's always pretty empty and they are turning some of the space into something else.  They've never offered really healthy food.  No hospital I've ever eaten in seems make a real connection between their nutritionist and food services.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

A cold?

Really tired all day.   Just watched golf and read.  My throat has been tickly for a week and I've been coughing.  I put it down to allergies, but my nose chimed in today.  

Saturday, June 7, 2014


Attended the WWFM XIA ~YO YO’s ~ Gathering in Delta with Pam this morning.  Always was useless with a yo-yo.  Lori was attending from Sorrento via FaceTime on my iPhone.  Thousands attended events around the world.

Was pretty wiped after about half an hour and had to leave.  Sitting in the car helped so I was able to pick up some groceries at Safeway.   Spent the rest of the day with the Blue Jays, Belmont Stakes, Whitecaps and Stanley Cup.  Also finished my book. 

I think the leg tumour is smaller, but it is draining again. I also have a lot of those round skin tumours.  Hope the Taxol takes care of those.  

Had some FaceTime with Pam tonight.  Her son was married today at Point Roberts and she showed me the stunning scenery from the location.   Her son in Australia watched the wedding on her rented iPad.  Isn't technology wonderful?


Watched the celebrations for the 70th anniversary of D-Day.  There was pretty impressive coverage on CBC.  Dad was a D-Day dodger in Italy.

Bought a yo-yo for tomorrow's flash mob.  Wasn't  feeling great but sure enjoyed halibut and chips at Pajo's on the beach in Steveston. Sat and read for a bit.  Bought my first strawberries of the season on the way home.  Delicious.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Better day

Slept well and felt better today.  Stayed in and took it easy.

Kudos to our RCMP for capturing Moncton killer with no further bloodshed.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Bad day

Felt crappy all day.  No wonder, since the Reolysin is a live virus.  Dozed a lot and didn't eat much.


Chemo was 9:30.  Almost late as I was playing Candy Crush.  Things went well and I picked up lunch at Trafiq on the way home.

Started shivering a few hours later and wrapped up in my electric blanket.  Just keep drinking lots.  Think my cough is hay fever.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Back on Taxol

Started up my chemo this morning.  Taxol on Mondat and Reolysin on Monday and Tuesday.  I have a lot of tumours that have popped up while off the Taxol.  Hope they start disappearing as they are getting sore.

Freemasons picked me up at 9:00 and had me home at 3:00.  The nurse stretched to the Taxol injection and we avoided an allergic reaction.  They leave such good notes that the next one knows what to do.  I watched her studying her next patient's file on the computer and calling a doctor to make sure the bloodwork was good enough for her to get treated today.

Didn't sleep well last night and dozed through much of the treatment.  Really funny trying to talk when full of Benedryl and felt better when it wore off.  Better afternoon than last time.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Out of tea

Realized I was down to my last two breakfast teabags, so had to make a Safeway run.  Came home via Tim Horton's.

My leg wound is sore today so tried to keep still.  Watched hockey and soccer at the same time.  Whitecaps rule!   Gee, bribes got Qatar the World Cup.  Why else would they put the games in a country with overwhelming heat?   Bet someone will die during a game.