Thursday, November 29, 2012

GP visit

Got the first big side effect of my new drug and spent the day going back and forth to the bathroom.  

Maureen drove me to my GP, Dr. Narvas.  He basically said things will get better.  Nice to get ears cleaned.  One is still pretty noisy.  He gave me a prescription for Ranitidine for my stomach.  It was helping in the hospital.   They had cut it to one a day but he put it back to twice.  

The stairs weren't too bad.  My breathing did get laboured so I see why the physio wants me to use a walker when out.  

Soup day

Dan Kenning made some delicious chicken soup and came with Ildi Varga for lunch.

Still getting pretty tired when I'm moving about.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Slow going

Today felt a bit better.  Got an appointment with my GP for Thursday afternoon.  Not ready to drive so will take a cab.

Got my PVR down to 58% full.

Cleaning Day

A couple of cleaners came to tackle my mess.  They did the laundry and took out the garbage and recycling.  I said to start in the kitchen and bathroom and that's as far as they got.

Sunday, November 25, 2012


Moira took my shopping list to Safeway and filled up a cart.  Trouble is, they don't deliver on Sunday.  Pru and Jesse saved the day and picked it up.

Grey Cup was disappointing.  Too bad Calgary wasn't that bad when we played them last week.

Still not feeling well.  Really weak.  Had a good sleep last night and hope another one will help.

Shaky day

Nice to sleep in own bed without the noisy carts trundling down the hall and nurses wanting blood at 5 am.   Feeling a bit nauseated so didn't sleep as well as I expected

Watched PVR all day and dozed.  Tried some soup and toast for dinner but couldn't finish it.   Every time I moved I made a point of picking something up.  Still a big mess.

Friday, November 23, 2012


Knew this morning that I had to get out of that place.  I was too young and too fit.  I started my campaign early.   Spent the day in the lounge looking as fit as I could.

The physio took me up and down the stairs a couple of times and had me sit in the lounge so she could watch me.  The nurse practitioner went over my chart with me and finally called the doctor I saw yesterday.  He said to let me go!

Pru came to spring me.  The stairs at home were fine.  I've been sitting here, sipping tea and enjoying Karen's banana loaf.  Not too hungry.  Lunch was actually a nice piece of roast chicken.  Dinner was either salmon or tuna sandwiches - yuck!

Feeling pretty good.  My little tumour is painful but hopefully the new drug will shrink it.

A walker is waiting at the Red Cross in Richmond.  I will only use it while walking to give me something to lean on if I'm short of breathe.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Settling in

Didn't sleep well as I was far too hot.  My two old roomies are always complaining about the cold so I can't crack the window.

Started my new pills this morning. A doctor came to check us all and was impressed by my file. I got a shower as it was my first day. The care aide put in a chair and wheeled me to the room. It turned out to be a big bath with jets.  The chair lifted me up and lowered me down.  I got a shampoo and massage and washed away all the hospital smells.

Breakfast had lots of choices and then there was a group exercise program in the lobby. I am the second youngest and definitely the fittest.

Karen Cordiner came for a visit bearing gifts. We sat in the lobby until lunch.  Nice to see a new face.  Lunch was a pork cutlet and was okay.  Lay on my bed reading and then went back to lobby just as Lori and Pam arrived.

The dunner menu was wrong.  We have had overlooked broccoli with every meal.  This was a casserole of rice, broccoli and once melted cheddar.  No quiche!   Ice cream and tea saved me.  

I haven't tried stairs as the physio was away.  Otherwise I feel pretty normal.  Just some side effects from the drug.   I don't think I'll be here long.  

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


What a busy day. The nurse woke me at 7 so I could get ready. It was really hard getting my teeth cleaned and putting real clothes on. A man from Hospital Transfer put me in his van and drove around the block to Fairmont. He wheeled me up to the Breast Cancer floor where I saw Karen. They got permission from Ottawa for me to get Afinitor on compassionate grounds. That meant I didn't have to pay the $5,000. I'm to start it with Exemestane. The driver is married to a teacher and his father used to be in charge of the school engineers so we had a lot to talk about. He even let me get the prescription at MacDonald's when I had been told they wouldn't.

 I got back and undressed, ready for a good rest. That didn't last because there was now a bed for me at Braddan.  Andrea went to the Cancer Agency for my other prescription.  The same driver came and we managed to get me and all my stuff moved.

I arrived after lunch and they immediately took me in the dining area and found me a sandwich and a cup of tea in a real cup!   Another patient gave me the WiFi code and I was happy. No TV in my room but there is a big one in the lunchroom.  Maureen came to visit but dinner was announced at 4:30.

I learned two things - there is a seating plan and don't bother going in until the wheelchairs arrive.  Dinner was soup, salad, vegetarian lasagna and pumpkin pie.  I ate more than I have been.

I was up a lot today and managed pretty well.  Just lying on my bed (room with 2 old ladies) and reading the newspapers on my iPad.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

New room

Walked down the hall and had a shower on my own this morning. Physio took me back to climb some stairs. It is getting easier. It isn't my legs. It's my breathe. Pru came to visit with Patrick and Lucas. They always cheer me up. They needed my room for a spinal patient so I was moved to 14610 in Jimmy Pattison. In a room for two. Big window. Wonder what the view is? Up early tomorrow and will be taken to Fairmont to see Karen Gelmon. Pharmacy called to say new drug is in. Not sure how I'll get it and prescription at Agency. This transport will not deviate.

Monday, November 19, 2012


I was supposed to have bloodwork at the Cancer Agency this morning and see Karen on Wednesday. The nurse said to cancel this morning so I left a message. Tonight he said transport was arranged for Wed. Now I have to find out if I still have an appointment. Louise, Pam and Pru visited. Finally got a flu shot. My food order was wrong all day. That's what happens when you get rid of union workers.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Busy day

Lots of visitors today - Lori, Moira, Pru and Maureen. Diverted my attention away from lackluster Lion's game. Walked up the hall a couple of times with my walker. Tumour in my groin acting up. Might need some Tylenol tonight.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Stormy weather

Had two visitors today. Louise brought the newspaper and Jane came with tea, homemade scones with butter and jam, some tea and a Mandarin orange. Enjoyed it all.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Waiting game

There are 12 ahead of me on the waiting list so I'll be here for a few more days. Had a shower this morning and then fell asleep. The physio had me walk down the hall and up 10 stairs. Every meal was the opposite of what I ordered. Ate little of the dinner. Good thing I'm not hungry.

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Don't know when I'm moving or where it will be. They think I should have the gall bladder out when I'm stronger. Walked a bit and went up one landing of stairs. Sat up but got really tired.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Weird night. Nurses woke me twice to look at my port. They aren't used to them on the spinal ward. The old man across the hall refused a blood test at 6. He's bee complaining about his catheter for days. A nurse walked by at 7:30 and had a fit. He had pulled it out and there was blood everywhere. They've been arguing and cajoling all day to get a new one in. My student came today and said they were thinking of a liver biopsy. A while later he said I was being discharged. I'm going to a Transition Unit and it will take a few days for a bed to come open.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Day of visitors

Lots of company today - Mae (who did Therapeutic Touch), Pam & Lori, Louise, Matt & Maureen. Walked down the hall. They want more tests now.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Dull Monday

Blood was drawn at 5am but they came back this afternoon for more. Had a hard time filling the tubes. I'm all tapped out! My liver numbers are climbing again so we're stopping the Sjogren medication. Louise came and we went for a little walk down the hall.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Phone woes

I've almost reached the limit of my iPhone plan. I'm leaving it off most of the time. Moira brought me a book and a tea tumbler. Pam came a bit later and discovered where to get hot water. Took a little walk with my nurse. Just eating tires me out!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Weekend lull

No blood work this morning so could sleep until about 7. Only testing every 2nd day. Saw a med student and the lung test hasn't been analyzed yet. 3 of the Status of Women arrived with treats - newspaper, chocolate, crib game, a stuffed reindeer... They even went for a cup of tea for me after I took a walk with them. Louise arrived as my lunch did and brought another paper. Quiet afternoon. I fell asleep for a bit.

Friday, November 9, 2012


Andrea brought in a bunch of stuff Matt retrieved from my apartment. There is still one library book on my KOBO that doesn't expire until the 15th. Can't load new stuff as there is no WiFi. Can't even read my newspapers on my iPad. The physio took me for a walk and I did 3 stairs. My nurse took for a shower and I couldn't walk it. They got me a wheelchair and my breathing settled down. Loved the shower!! Louise brought me Province just as Andrea arrived with tea. Eating lunch seemed a lot of work. Went to have a lung capacity test. Don't know how I did but blowing out was hard. Tired tonight. Enjoying my PD James mystery.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Heart test

Busy morning. Matt and Andrea came, 4 Status of Women friends, Lori & Pam, and Louise. Spent the last couple of hours having a test on my heart. Tomorrow there is a lung capacity test at 3. Finally got switched to regular diet and had meat sauce on pasta for lunch. Came back to the room to find a hot cup of tea from Andrea. Matt braved my messy apartment and hasdumped the moldy teapot and gathered stuff for me. Will be nice to have something to read. A nurse just changed the line into my port. It has been there over a week. My nurse wrote a date on it so we can keep track. My heart is fine so lungs tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Four more years

Managed to stay awake until it was clear Obama was going to win. Whew! My liver numbers are still up and they don't know why I'm anaemic. Yesterday's X-ray show I still have some fluid in my lungs. I've started using a puffer (Novo-Salbutamol HFA). Andrea brought me a great cup of tea this morning. The Resident is going to get me back on regular food. Heart test at 1:30 Thursday.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

New team leader

Dr. Iain McCormick is the new head of my team. He spent a lot of time with me this morning. He hopes the liver is because of the Tamoxifen and will get better now. I am anaemic and the original chemo might have damaged my heart so I'm having an eco test. My breathing isn't great so add another chest X-ray and lung capacity test. I'll start a puffer right away. Also being tested for a bunch of other stuff like Hep C and AIDS (no chance).

Monday, November 5, 2012

Quiet day

Didn't do much today. They wake me at 5:30 to draw blood from my port. Vitals are checked around 7. Someone comes to change the bed while I wash in the bathroom. Improvement from early days of bed baths. Meals are 7, 1 and 6. I asked for vegetarian to get smaller selections but asked to go to normal tomorrow. Nothing to drink with dinner. Must have missed it on the form. Pam and Lori have been taking good care of me. Lori brings the Province and a latte when I feel like one. Louise has been bringing in the Sun most days. Their visits always make me feel better. Andrea works here so pops in every day for a visit and to see what I need - toothbrush, TV... Matt usually makes it in. Today he brought a wonderful cup of tea. The old plastic mugs here stink of soup and coffee so the hot water takes on the flavours.

Hi from VGH

This is my longest hospital stay.

They think I've had a gallstone blockage and filled up with infection.  I've been sick for months but kept thinking it was GERD. Even saw gastro specialist.  

My liver enzymes are still up and my gut isn't right yet.  Once I am medically cleared I'm going into Transitional Care until I can look after myself.  My apt is a mess as I haven't been coping for ages. 

Visits are great but I tire easily.  I am in a very small room and you have to use a gown and gloves.